Page 28 of The Starfish Method
My fists clench on the table. I’m tempted to haul him over it and beat the shit out of him for talking about my relationship with Hannah like that.But it’s true, isn’t it?She and I agreed we’d only do this for a few months, then we would go our separate ways. The problem is, I’m enjoying my time with her more than I ever expected.
Now, we’re nearing the two-month mark, and I can feel our time together slipping away the way money slips through Tom’s fingers. But it’s not what I want anymore.
Before Hannah, all I wanted was a woman who would be happy to see the back of me. Now, I just want her.Fuck.
My fingers strum the tabletop, and my jaw clenches. I don’t know how to make her stay. How to convince her we can bethisgood for the rest of our lives. We’re fucking electric when we’re together.Surely she feels that too?
Tom kicks me under the table. “Loosen up. You look like you’re going to burst a blood vessel all over my amazing suit.”
I finally take note of the suit he’s wearing. It’s dark-emerald green. “Another gem from Bobby’s collection, I assume?”
He sips his coffee before answering me. “You know it. I’ve been saving this one. Amy said we might start exploring butt stuff tonight.” He waggles his brows, and I laugh.
“And you think that suit is going to seal the deal for you?”
“Bobby said the green really makes my eyes pop.”
I shake my head and pick the newspaper up, effectively ending this conversation with Tom as his breakfast is served. Not that I can concentrate on the words on the page in front of me. All I can think about is Hannah and what I can do to keep her in my life.
Maybe I should bring her to my birthday. It’s the perfect opportunity to show her I want to make this a serious arrangement, and I don’t give a fuck what high society has to say about it or her.
Sittingon the side of the tank, on the dive platform, with my legs dangling in the cool depths, I admire Tina gliding with effortless grace through the water. She’s so beautiful my heart swells just watching her. How could people feel anything but awe when seeing such a magnificent creature? This is my happy place, my thinking place, my peace.
“Hey, what’s got you looking so melancholy?” Vi asks, plopping beside me.
“Just admiring my girl and wondering how anyone could want to hurt her,” I say, hoping to throw her off the trail of what’s really bothering me.
Vi nods, then her shoulder bumps mine. “But what’s really on your mind? You usually come here when something’s up.”
My head falls back, and I stare at the ceiling.Why is she so perceptive?
“Come on, Han. We’ve worked together a long time. I know your tells.” She chuckles and wraps an arm around my neck, tugging me into her side. “You wanna talk about it?”
I shake my head. “Not really. It’s just something I need to do, and I don’t think I want to.” I sigh. “But Ihaveto.”
“Way to be cryptic, dude,” Vi says, rolling her eyes.
“Sorry,” I mumble. “It’s complicated.”
“I’m going to go out on a limb here and say it’s a guy thing, yeah?”
I nod, and she squeezes me closer. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. You came to the right place to think, though. I chill out here, too, when something’s bothering me. But if you change your mind, you know where to find me.”
“Thanks, Vi. But there’s nothing to talk about.”
My feelings for Sam are getting out of control. It’s time to pull back. Time to engage The Starfish Method.
When I finally get home, it’s after seven, and Sam will be here soon. I flop onto my couch and heave a dramatic sigh as I tap out a text to Amy.
ME ~I need to implement my Starfish Method sooner than later this time around.~
Her reply is immediate and not at all surprising.
AMY ~I don’t think you should do this. I know you like him. Like, more than any of the other guys you’ve dated in . . . well ever.~
She’s such a romantic. She can’t help it. I know this, but it still annoys me that she doesn’t understand why I have to do it. If I leave it any longer, he’s going to own my whole damn heart, then he’ll break it—just like every other man before him. I really need Amy’s support right now, but I have a feeling I’m not going to get it this time.
ME ~It’s not about how much I like him, Ames. And you know it.~