Page 33 of The Starfish Method
Didyou know that swans are the only birds with an external penis? It’s totally true—and fascinating, if you ask me. I mean, can you imagine a little hummingbird flying around with a penis? Disturbing, right? But a swan—I can get behind that.
This is the latest fact I’ve submitted into the Pink Bits database. I love my job so much. Spending my days searching out weird, wonderful, and completely random facts is a dream come true. It helps that Pink Bits Hygienics is my dad’s company, and he created the position especially for me. Hell, he created the companybecauseof me, and his sisters.
“Reagan, are you coming to dinner with your mother and me this evening?”
Shifting my gaze from the computer screen, I eye Dad’s lean build propped against the doorway to my office. “My stepmother, you mean?”
He rolls his eyes. “Well, yes. Unless your biological mother has changed her mind about removing my testicles with her bare hands. Then she’d be welcome to join us as well.”
I cringe at the imagery manifesting in my brain. “Thanks for the visual.” I mime sticking my finger down my throat, and my dad chuckles. “Anyway, no, I will not be joining you and The Wicked Witch of the West for dinner tonight. I have plans.”
“Plans?” he asks, completely ignoring the jab at my stepmother. He strides into my office and drops into the pink loveseat I have situated by the large floor-to-ceiling window, then props his feet up. “What kind of plans? Plans with a—dare I say it—man?” He waggles his eyebrows suggestively as he speaks, making it impossible for me to keep a straight face.
A snort escapes as I try to hold back my laughter. “No, sorry to disappoint, Daddy. I’m going to the movies with Charlotte.”
His shoulders drop. “I want grandchildren, Reagan, and you’re not being very proactive about it.” He huffs, planting his feet on the floor and pushing off. Straightening his suit jacket then tie, he says, “Just go on one date a month. I’m not asking much. Even without grandbabies, I want to see you with someone. You’re twenty-seven, and I’ve never met one of your boyfriends. It’s time, honey.”
“Pfft, don’t hold your breath. Have you met the douchebags in the dating pool these days? Trust me, Daddy, you’d rather I die an old cat lady than bring one of them home.”
When he reaches the door, he pauses and looks back over his shoulder, his fingers flexing around the frame. “If anyone can find the needle in the haystack, it’ll be you. But you’ve gotta be out there looking for it, baby.”
Once he’s gone, I drop my head into my hands. He’s right. But I’m just too awkward for the dating scene. I’m fascinated by the fact that swans have penises, peni, peens, whatever. The point is, it’s hardly a topic I can bring up on a dinner date. Any potential boyfriend would run out screaming or think I was into some really weird, kinky shit. And I’m not. I swear I’m only into a normal amount of kink.
Tucking my hair behind my ears, I strum my bright pink fingernails over my keyboard. My eyes drift to the time displayed in the corner of my computer screen: five-fifteen. I’m doused in an ice-cold bucket of self-pity as I acknowledge just how pathetic it is to be sitting in my office at five-fifteen on a Friday afternoon with no intention of leaving until I have to meet Char at seven.
I slump back in my gorgeous rose-print velvet armchair, kick my heels off, and prop my feet on the corner of my desk. This small act of unprofessionalism makes me feel a wee bit less pathetic. But my dad’s words roll around my head, refusing to leave me be.If anyone can find the needle in the haystack, it’s you.I sigh audibly with all the dramatics of a three-year-old beauty queen and flop my head back to stare at the ceiling.
It’s not like I don’t want to find someone. I’m just not the kind of girl that has man-catching skills. I was never taught, and even if I had been, I doubt I would have been able to master it. I’m not equipped with the required talents. I have no filter, no sense of appropriate conversation, and small talk? Yeah, not my forte.
If only I could find someone as wildly inappropriate as myself.
My phone chirps with an incoming text, and I drop my feet from the desk, swivelling around to riffle through my bag and find my phone. Sliding my finger over the screen, I see a message from Charlotte. A grin tugs at the corner of my lips until the words register.
CHARLOTTE ~Babe I’m SOOO sorry but I have to cancel tonight. I’m surfin’ the crimson wave and Mother Nature is being an extra cruel bitch this month. I feel like a slasher film is being enacted inside my uterus.~
Her graphic description makes me cringe. Char has endometriosis, so she suffers from particularly bad periods—to say the least. It’s given her the motivation to come up with extremely creative ways of describing her pain and discomfort.
ME ~Thanks for that graphic depiction. It will haunt my dreams tonight. And good news, I’m no longer hungry, so that takes care of missing our dinner date before the movie.~
CHARLOTTE ~You’re welcome, my friend. I know you were looking forward to our Taron Egerton perv-fest, but alas, it must be postponed. Next Friday work for you?~
My shoulders slump. I really was looking forward to spending some quality screen time with the dreamboat that is Mr. Egerton.
ME ~I hate you and your moody reproductive organs. Until next week then. Kisses.~
No longer having a reason to hang around at the office, I shut down my computer, slide my feet back into my heels, slip my bag over my shoulder, and stride out like a woman on a mission.
Let it be noted—there is no mission. And I have nowhere to go but home to my empty apartment to sulk about the lack of supersized man candy in my life this evening. I. Am. Pathetic.
I winkat the bartender as she leans farther forward than necessary to slide my beer across the timber expanse separating us. “Thanks, sugar.”
The tip of her pink tongue glides across her full bottom lip. “You’re welcome, handsome.”
A blonde stripper shakes her plentiful arse in front of Simon’s face. Laughter bubbles up my throat. Simon is pressing his torso back in his seat, trying to get as far away from her as possible; it’s fucking hilarious. And I’m immediately pleased with myself for organising this buck’s night for him.
A grin splits my face as I drop down into the seat beside him. “There is a gorgeous woman rubbing herself all over you, and you’re cringing … That’s the wrong response, man.”
Simon’s head snaps to me. “You are a sick son of a bitch, Rhett. Jessie is going to go nuts if she finds out about this.” His eyes bug out of his head. “Look at this, look.” His eyes drop down to indicate the red smear on the collar of his white dress shirt. “There’s lipstick on it!”