Page 33 of Dark Cravings
I opened my mouth to answer when I realized I hadn't actually been listening close enough to know what the question was. "Umm, what?"
He frowned, shaking his head before pushing back from me and stepping away from the wall. "Again. Try to stay awake this time."
The next time he came at me, it was with twice as much force as the last. It was all I could do just to block him, and he had rapidly managed to have me on the retreat, to the point where I was going to be cornered against the opposite wall if I didn't find a way to reverse our positions.
If nothing else, frustration was helping me keep my head in the game. I was still distractedly horny, and that hadn't changed in the slightest, but each time the grating sound of our metal blades clashing hit my ears, a fresh rage washed through me.
I heard the low, rumbling growl of frustration before I realized it had come from me.
I was caught off guard enough that it gave him all the opportunity he needed to get in a hit against my chest, sending me sailing back onto my ass again.
Another growl tore through me as anger took the driver's seat, and while there was a part of me that still wanted to hold back, I started coming at him with a flurry of blind slashes. I knew my form had probably gone to hell, but the veracity of the onslaught actually seemed to surprise him, and he staggered a bit for the very first time.
That should have been enough to make me pull back because the prospect of hurting him was still horrifying, even if I knew logically I probably wasn't capable of that. Certainly not with what was essentially a toy blade.
"Better," he said, his blade locked with mine as he blocked my next furious thrust. My vision was starting to blur at the edges, and he was coming into crystal-clear focus. How was it even possible to want to kill someone and kiss them at the same time? Given the intensity of both desires, my brain didn't have any difficulty reconciling those warring impulses.
I was such a mess. A horny, weak, borderline delirious mess with anger issues. That was a new problem for me, as far as I could tell.
At first, I was afraid that somehow, in spite of the collar, maybe I was still capable of shifting and my wolf was close to taking over. The thought had no sooner occurred to me than I found myself striking out again.
"Anger is fine," said Castor. "Just don't let it get the best of you. You're getting sloppy again."
Logically, I knew he was instructing me for my own benefit, but it still set me off, and I was already on a hair trigger.
I growled again, lunging at him and striking with all my might. All that happened was that he used my momentum against me when his blade caught mine, but this time, there was nowhere else for me to go besides up against the wall. Castor had me pinned again in a split second, and I snarled, straining against him. The look in his eyes suggested he was having a harder time keeping me at bay than he had expected, and when his arm began to tremble, that confirmed it.
With a sudden burst of energy that I didn't even know the source of, I actually managed to shove him back. I didn't stop there, though. Instead, I went on the offensive, which he clearly wasn't expecting. I wasn't fully aware of how I ended up with him pinned against the wall, but the moment I succeeded, all my anger dissolved, or rather, transmuted into the lust that I had been warring with for the entire time. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but I wound up with his thigh pressed between my legs somehow, and I ground against it instinctively, another growl of a different tenor escaping me.
Castor's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he didn't freak out or even really seem that shocked.
"Are you humping my leg?" he asked in his usual sardonic tone.
It was enough to break me out of whatever trance I had fallen into, and I leapt back from him, my blade clattering to the floor in a panic. "Fuck!" I cried in horror. "I'm sorry, I… I don't know what…" I trailed off, because I had somehow lost my grasp on English as well as my self-control.
For some reason, Castor still wasn't flipping out on me. If anything, there was amusement shining in his eyes, which was actually worse than him being furious would've been.
"I do," he said with a snort. "You're in rut."
"Rut?" I echoed in confusion. "What is that?"
"It's the alpha version of heat," he answered. “You've heard of that, I assume?"
Sure I had. There was an abundance of heat rushing to my face right then, not to mention other parts of me. "With animals, yeah, but…" I trailed off when I saw the pointed look he was giving me. And my current behavior was not helping to dispel his point.
So that was why he wasn't pissed. To him, I was nothing more than a misbehaving animal.
"That would explain the sudden burst of strength and focus," he mused. He sounded relieved, like he needed there to be a reason I could've possibly gotten the upper hand, even for a split second. It was pretty ridiculous, to be fair. "And the aggression."
I blushed even harder. Or maybe I was just flushed. Hell, probably both.
"I don't understand. I was fine a minute ago."
"Until I cornered you," he replied. "Doesn't take much to trigger it. You're basically going through a second puberty. I'm surprised you haven't had one already."
"Definitely not," I muttered. As cloudy as my memories of my time as a wolf were, I definitely would've remembered this. It was a special kind of torture. The humiliation and shock had done nothing to lessen the fire consuming me. Literally and figuratively, because in addition to feeling hornier than I ever had in my life, I also felt like I had a hundred and twenty degree fever.
"Well, we can’t keep training with you in this condition," he said pointedly.