Page 89 of Dark Cravings
He raised an eyebrow. "Use your imagination."
A shudder ran down my spine. Being a wolf was bad enough, let alone the thought of being desirable to them. Especially in such a humiliating, degrading way. The others were being coy about the details, but I could read between the lines of what it meant.
"So, what, I have to hide in the Abbey for the rest of my life?" I challenged.
Castor didn't answer. That definitely wasn't a good sign.
"This really isn't a conversation we need to be having right now," Dr. Kelly said in a pointed tone. "You've been through a lot, and I still haven't looked at your injuries, Father de Leon."
"I'm fine," Castor said firmly. I could tell the doctor wanted to argue, but even he didn't seem willing to challenge Castor unnecessarily.
He sighed. "In any case, he needs to rest."
I bristled at the fact that now they were both treating me like I was a child or something. Unfortunately, Dr. Kelly was right about the fact that I was exhausted. It was hard just to keep my eyes open, and I couldn't even find relief at the thought of sleep, because while I had managed to put my sire's death out of my mind for the most part, I knew it was just denial. The moment I closed my eyes, everything I was trying to keep at bay was probably going to come back to the surface.
"Come on," Castor said, holding his hand out to me.
I hesitated, even though the urge to obey him was as strong as ever. Strong and infuriating. "Where?"
He scowled in irritation, but if he thought I was just going to forget the fact that he had ditched me for two weeks without a word after everything that had happened, he was dead wrong. "To my room. Unless you'd rather stay here."
I hesitated because I wasn't sure why the only two options were his room or the clinic, but the truth was, as furious as I was, I had missed him even more and I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to spend some time with him. There were things we needed to talk about alone, anyway. Maybe I could get more of a straight answer out of him.
"If you need anything, you know where to find me," the doctor said, putting a hand on my shoulder. Something told me the offer was meant to get under Castor’s skin, and the look on the other hunter's face confirmed it.
"Thanks," I mumbled, following Castor to his room.
Neither of us said anything on the walk there, which meant that I had plenty of time to rehearse what I was going to say to him. Hell, I’d had two weeks to sort it out. And yet, when he closed the door and I found myself alone with him, all the words fled me. All that was left in their place was the hurt, and the same sense of stupefied infatuation I had felt toward him from the beginning.
Before I could say anything, he pushed me up against the door, his hands planted on either side of my head. All I could do was stare up at him in confusion.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"I guess so."
"Good," he said. Before I could respond, he leaned in and kissed me hard enough to take my breath away, but he wasn’t being quite as rough as he usually was. His hands settled on my arms as he deepened the kiss, and I relented like a fucking idiot who couldn't stick to his own principles for all of two seconds.
"There," he said, his eyes glimmering with amusement as he looked down to take in what he'd done to me. "I just wanted to do that before you start bitching."
"Bitching?" I hissed, pushing against his chest in an attempt to push him away. It didn’t work. "I think I have every right to ‘bitch,’ considering you bailed on me after whatever the fuck that night was even supposed to be."
I expected him to argue. Instead, he said, "I know."
I frowned. Did he always have to contradict my expectations, even if it was to agree with me?
"Well?" I folded my arms. "What's the excuse, then?"
"I don't have one," he said with a shrug. "Just that I thought it was better to leave."
"Better for who?" I demanded.
"For you," he said. "And for the others. I still think that's true."
"Then why did you come back?”
He paused as if he was considering his words carefully. "Because I felt like you were in danger."
"You felt… what?" I frowned. "What do you mean?"