Page 4 of Safeguard
“I hate to rush this, but I need to meet with a client. We should have lunch next week at Simmer. My wife is friends with one of the new chefs there, and the food is fabulous”
“I understand…uh…before I go…the real reason I wanted to see you is—” I shift in my seat nervously. “I wanted to see if you had any job openings, I’m willing to do anything, start at the bottom. Hell, I’ll even fetch coffee, man. I need to get out of my parent’s house like yesterday.” My begging turns into rambling as he chews on his pen for a few long seconds, contemplating.
“You know what, Chase, we might be able to help each other out. I just had a guy quit on me two days ago with no notice, and I have this big job I need a bunch of men for. I think you’d be a perfect fit, and you already have the proper training.”
My eyes light up, and a ray of hope begins to creep in.
“I need you to understand, Chase, you are my friend, but this is business. This company means a lot to me. You need to be reliable and professional—” He holds up a finger. “But, I have all the confidence in the world it won’t be a problem for you.”
I give him an affirmative nod. “You can trust me, Jason.”
He stands, shuffling some papers around on his desk. “I would need you for a close protection detail, basically a bodyguard. You’ll rotate shifts with six other guys, so I need you to be a team player.”
“I can do that.”
“You’ll report to Grayson on this. He’s my top guy.” He gives me a smirk, letting out a chuckle. “Gray’s a bit rough around the edges, but he’s a good guy, and he’s got street smarts. He’s good at his job and takes these matters seriously. I expect the same from you.”
I stand, reaching my sweaty palm across the desk. “Jason, I’m your man. I can’t tell you how much this opportunity means to me. I won’t let you down, I promise.”
Instead of shaking my hand, he moves from around the desk and places his arm on my shoulder. “You’re a good guy, and I wouldn’t have offered you this if I didn’t think you were capable. We trusted each other with our lives over there, and I know you’ll respect the job.”
“Thank you. I think you just changed my life.”
“Let’s get you situated at human resources and then you can ride with Gray and me to meet the client.”
Boy that was easy.