Page 9 of Safeguard
“YES, CHASE,” I groan. His sweet lips trailing kisses down my body, inducing goose bumps. My skin is on fire. His magic fingers slip into the front of my panties, awfully close, but not close enough, to where I need them.
“Captain..please,” I beg, as he lowers his head, inhaling a deep breath. I grip his hair when he—
I’m still imagining the burn on my skin when my dream is rudely interrupted by the continuous, irritating ringing of the doorbell. Damn, it was going to be a good one too.
“Coming!” I wish I were coming.
I rustle myself from the couch in search of my nonexistent robe. I woke up some time in the middle of the night, learning what a struggle it is to dress and undress with one arm. I was finally able to get this ratty, grey “I’m A Fucking Princess” t-shirt over my head.
I was so loopy from pain medication, I fell asleep while Chase was here last night. I still can’t believe the hunky adorable man from the coffee shop was in my house, and now he’s my freaking bodyguard. When he asked if I was hungry, I wanted to tell him the only thing I hungered for was him.
The delicious masculine scent of his body wash or cologne still lingered out here in my living room, so I decided to sleep on the couch. I’m incredibly annoyed with this entire situation, but Chase seems like a decent guy, and I’m sorry I gave him a hard time yesterday. It’s not his fault. He’s just doing his job.
I peek through the peep-hole, irritated at the person on the other side for disturbing the incredible dream I was having.
“Oh, shit.”
My pulse quickens at the sight of him. I inhale a deep breath, recognizing his rugged jaw with a hint of a five-o’clock shadow. The sexiest man in the universe is standing there with his dark hair, looking a bit unruly today like he’s been running his fingers through it often. I want to tug on his hair so bad while his face is between my legs.
He’s so fucking hot, and I’m in so much trouble. I can’t resist taking an extra few seconds to admire his sapphire eyes shining through his thick dark lashes. I pout a little, noticing he shaved his beard, when two minutes ago I was imagining those whiskers scratching up the skin between my thighs. I guess I should stop eye-fucking him through the peep-hole, and let him in.
Calmly, I inch the door open, ignoring the little devil on my shoulder telling me to pull him in and climb him like a tree. He stands there, towering over me, all tall and muscular and my lady parts are going wild. God, it’s like he’s been sculpted from stone and set on my doorstep for my viewing pleasure. The man screams sexy, and I don’t think I’ve ever been so attracted to anyone like this before.
He’s exactly what I need to break my dry spell.
“Wha…what are you doing here?” I say a little too breathy.
The adorable smirk he grants me makes my heart beat a little faster. The guy is delicious as ever, standing there in a pair of low cut jeans and a dark, olive-colored, military t-shirt that looks like it’s a size too small. I’m feeling the heat between my legs just from looking at his firm chest and thick, muscular arms. If I could smooth my palms over those muscles just a little, I’d be a happy girl.
His t-shirt rides up when he bends at my feet to pick up the newspaper at my entry. I hone in on his tanned, tone stomach, shifting my body as a sudden rush of wetness pools in my panties. Jesus, Mel…get a grip.
He hands me the paper, grinning like he knows exactly what I’m thinking. He dangles a bag in front of me from Deja Brew and an enticing looking cup of coffee, almost like a peace offering.
“I’m here to make sure the installation of your new security system goes smoothly. Jerry will be here in twenty minutes, so you might want to put on some pants.”
He’s exploring me up and down like he’s a hunter and I’m his target. I think he could wriggle my panties off just with his fuck-me, blue eyes.
“Come in.” I smile nervously feeling the heat on my skin. I step back, and swing the door open, allowing him to enter.
When he walks past me, it’s like he takes all the oxygen in the room with him.
“Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back in a minute.” My gaze lingers unreasonably long on his handsome face before I make a mad dash to my bedroom and slam the door behind me.
After a few minutes of needing to catch my breath, I dig out some loose clothing and labor through my hygiene, realizing simple tasks are going to be difficult with this bothersome cast. I plop down on the bed, utterly frustrated after I place a call to my boss and get nowhere. I have no job for the next four weeks, I’m struggling to put on sweatpants, I need a shower, but I can’t get this stupid cast wet, and my fucking wrist is throbbing.
Tears spring without warning.
There’s a soft knock on the door. “Melanie, are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” I brush the tears away.
“Can I come in?”
I don’t want him to see me this way, but I imagine he’ll go all alpha and burst through the door anyway.
“Okay.” I barely have the word out before he pokes his head in the doorway.
“Why are you crying?” I shake my head back and forth unable to speak without sobbing like a two-year-old. “Melanie, tell me what it is, and I’ll fix it.”