Page 5 of Heart
She begins to move tenderly, but I’m out of control. I thrust my hips up, pumping into her hard. My animalistic rhythm is harsh and possessive. She takes it all, moaning my name as her tight walls grips and squeezes around me. Placing her hands above her head, flat against the roof, she tries to gain leverage so her body can meet my brutal thrusts.
“I’ve dreamed of this for so long,” I growl into her ear. She groans and her head falls back as she grips my shoulders. Her nails biting into my skin, as she chants my name over and over in the quiet of the night. “Come for me, baby—I want to see you.” I watch as her cheeks flush, and her body trembles around me.
“Jesus,” My pleasure builds like a wave rolling across my entire body. Her tight channel milking my cock. My spine tingles and I come hard like the surf crashing into the shore. I hold her firm, spurting deep inside her, as she spasms around me.
We hold each other, and hold each other some more, neither one of us ever wanting to let go. “Come with me to California.” I break the silence, and I’m left bereft as she slides off my lap, gathering up her clothes.
“I can’t. I’m sorry.” I watch her intently as she shakes her head back and forth. She swiftly throws her clothes back on, and I can’t seem to move.
“Wait for me, Sarah. I’ll come back for you,” I beg.
“I can’t…you won’t.” She won’t even look at me.
“I love you, Sarah,” I confess without a second thought. “I’ve always loved you.” She rests her head on my shoulder with a sharp sigh.
“I know,” she whispers, before sliding into her boots.
With one last look, she jumps from the truck, slamming the door closed, and begins jogging away. She turns back to face me. The moonlight shining down on her, the shadows dancing across her features, her eyes twinkling like stars. She looks like an angel. I’ll have this picture of her burnt into my memory.
With tears streaming down her face, she mouths three words that break me, “I love you,” before turning and running through the field, and out of my life forever.
Fourteen years later
“Morning, Grace, how was your weekend?” I greet my secretary, as she pulls charts from the cabinets in my office.
“Quiet, Doc. Thank goodness, the boys are still up at school. Why are you here so early?”
I hand her the extra cup of coffee I picked up this morning and drop my own on the desk. “I have a full day of patients, and a bunch of charts to review, figure I’d get a head start.” The phone rings as I hang my coat on the rack. I motion for her to answer it at my desk, so she doesn't have to run to the front of the office.
“Dr. Harris’s office, can I help you?”
I boot up my computer and take a sip from my giant cup of brown sludge, needing as much caffeine as I can get this morning, since I stayed up half the night playing my favorite online video game,Battle Strike.
“Who may I say is calling? I’ll see if he’s in. Please hold.” I glance up at Grace, catching her rolling eyes, and I know it’s going to be a long day if my secretary is already out of patience. “Dr. Harris, it’s for you. Says it’s personal,” she huffs.
“Who is it, Grace?” I question, already losing my calmness, and clearly needing to get some work done.
“It’s a woman, says she’s a friend. Her name is Sarah.”
My body stiffens, but not before sending my coffee cup tumbling to the floor. “Shit, shit, shit! Put her on hold please while I clean up this mess, and close the door on your way out.”
I’d spoken to Sarah precisely two times since that night fourteen years ago. The first was at my mother’s funeral ten years ago; the second was a year later when I lost my father. Those were the only two times I made it back to Jackson and the only two times I’ve seen her or my brother in the past fourteen years. I've spoken to my brother a handful of times, but it was always generic and cold. No love lost there.
Not a day goes by that I don’t think about Sarah or that night. I often wonder what might have been if she’d come to California with me, or if I’d stayed and claimed her for my own. Sarah married Ben right after his first tour of duty, and I didn't bother to go home for the wedding. Sarah was apparently pregnant when Ben left, and their daughter was born while he was over in Afghanistan. They married as soon as he returned home, and it lasted a whopping six years before they divorced. I’m surprised it lasted that long.
Ben joined the Marines to quote “find himself,” which I guess he did, because he decided to make a career out of it. I commend Ben for dedicating his life to protecting our country, but we never saw eye to eye, and it was hard for me to watch the way he treated Sarah. I’m sure the fact he was always deployed somewhere across the continents had a lot to do with why they divorced, or maybe she just tired of his lying, cheating ways, and decided to raise their daughter on her own.
I heard she opened a bakery in town and it’s doing reasonably well since Jackson has grown immensely over the past fourteen years. Other than that, I don’t know much about her life after I left.
My heart is racing uncontrollably, and I clear my throat before speaking into the phone. “Hello, this is Dr. Harris.” There’s complete silence on the other end, and I wonder if the call dropped. “Hello?” I repeat.
“Luke?” That sweet voice I could never forget, whispers my name softly.
“Sarah?” is everything okay?” More silence, then I hear crying. “Please, tell me what’s wrong.”
“I need your help. I can’t lose her.” Her voice crackles when she speaks.