Page 2 of Fake Boyfriend
When she finally looks up at me, I give her an encouraging smile. She gives me a skeptical look. We both know that she was aware her mom was cheating. Luna was the one who gave me the wake up call I needed.
A few friends tried to warn me about Rea before we got married. A few tried to tell me about her after we were married. I figured they were jealous, or they wanted her for themselves.
Luna lived with her grandparents most of the time since Rea was gone so often and she was too young to be living like an adult.
One day, I walked in our house and into the middle of a screaming match between mother and daughter. At first, I wrote it off as Luna being a dramatic teenager. I was ready to turn around and leave without them knowing I’d come home. Then I listened to what the argument was really about.
Luna had walked in and caught her mother cheating on me. She told Rea that she was stupid for cheating on me, that I deserved better.
“You don’t think he’s got a woman in every city?” Rea had volleyed back.
“No, I don’t. He’s not like you. He has integrity,” Luna had shouted.
Those words were my comfort as I filed for divorce. As I sold the house we’d bought together. As I changed jobs so that I wouldn’t have to watch my ex-wife flirt with other pilots and passengers. All the time wondering if they were new conquests or men she’d slept with while we’d been married.
“I’m glad I found out,” I tell her.
Luna gives me a small smile. Her lips are naked, just a few shades darker than the deep tan color of her skin. Her dark eyes twinkle as she shakes her head.
“I don’t know how you can be so positive. I was ready to kill my boyfriend when I found out—“
She’s cut off by someone calling her name. Luna’s eyes flare wide, then narrow to slits. Her mouth tightens, pulling her lush lips into a thin line.
Please, God. Don’t let this be happening now. Not in front of Nash. He doesn’t need to know that he and I are much more alike than I’m comfortable with.
This is my worst nightmare. I haven’t seen Nash in almost two years. Not that I haven’t thought about him. I definitely have.
When Mom told me she was engaged, I wondered how rich the guy was. I figured she’s hooked herself a wealthy passenger. Then I met Nash and thought,no wonder.
When you picture the kind of pilot who has women tripping all over themselves to land him, Nash is it. Tall, dark, and handsome with that constant beard scruff. In jeans and a T-shirt, he’s hot as sin. In a pilot’s uniform, there are no words to describe how hot he looks. If Hollywood was to make a movie of his life, I can’t think of one actor gorgeous enough to play Nash.
And now he’s going to witness my ultimate humiliation. Maybe it’s karma since I witnessed his. I ignore Janine’s voice until she calls my name again.
Nash leans in close and says quietly, “I think someone’s trying to get your attention.”
“I can’t freaking believe this,” I grit through my teeth. “Can the ground swallow me up now?”
Nash gives me a confused look. That last part was supposed to be for my ears only, but he leaned in a little closer than I thought. He heard it all.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath before turning to face my former friend, who was really a frenemy in disguise.
My whole body is so tense I could probably snap like a twig as I turn to face my ex-boyfriend and my former friend.
“What are you two doing here?”
“We’re spending our last week of summer in Mexico.”
I narrow my eyes at Miller. That had been our plan. “We agreed that I would use my ticket and you would cancel yours.”
Miller swallows. His eyes dart back and forth between me and Janine. “Janine wanted to celebrate our one month anniversary.”
“We,” Janine says. “We wanted to celebrate.”
“How thoughtful. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact that you both knew I’d be going.”