Page 1 of Nights At Sea
Chapter One
Thesoundofbarkingdogs filters into my brain, and I wake with a jolt.
Everything is blurry, and I have to blink a few times to get my eyes to focus.
I’m on a bed, covered with a blanket.
It’s dark except for a dimmed light on the bedside table.
Nothing looks familiar.
Where the hell am I?
I scramble up to sitting, clutching the blanket to my chest. My head immediately protests against the movement, the pain sudden and sharp. I cradle my face in my hands, sitting still to stop the throbbing.
My last memories crash back into my consciousness… the black car, the old man, the cloth over my face…the terror.
My heart leaps in my chest, beating frantically. I gasp for air as the fear I felt roars back to life in an instant.
A wave of nausea makes me dry heave. My mouth and throat are parched and seem coated with sandpaper, making swallowing an ordeal.
I spot two bottles of water and a sealed pack of tablets on the bedside table. I reach for the water, but lifting my arm is more difficult than it should be.
What the heck?
Inspecting my upper arm, I notice a patch of red that’s sensitive to the touch. Looking closer, I see there’s a tiny dot in its center.
Is that a needle mark?
Shit, what did that guy inject me with? Is this why I was out for so long? With it being dark outside, it looks like a whole day has passed.
The thought sets off a fresh wave of panic.
My mind is spinning out of control. My pulse races, blood rushes through my veins like storm water, and I’m shaking uncontrollably.
I need to calm the fuck down!
Still, my heart races. Sweat breaks out all over my body. I try to control my breathing, but to no avail.
What if the drugs have messed with me? What if I’m going to have a heart attack?
No, no, no, this isn’t happening!
My heart jumps, and there’s a tingle in my chest. I’ve read about this.
Fuck, I am having a heart attack!
The tingling spreads to my fingers and toes.
I can’t breathe.
Despite gasping for air, no oxygen seems to enter my lungs. Pearls of sweat run down my forehead. I’m seeing spots in my vision.
I’m going to die… this is it.