Page 108 of Nights At Sea
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
I stand frozen in place, my heart hammering out of control in my chest as I watch the monitor. I squeeze my eyes shut, praying for the car to come to a stop before hitting anything.
I can’t lose her!
Especially not like this. I’ve waited for her all my life, and I won’t have her taken away from me by an idiot misjudging his capabilities.
When I open my eyes again, Carlos has managed to get control of the car and steers it back onto the track.
Thank God!
A sudden light-headedness takes over, and I grab the table before me to steady myself. I hope Ella is okay.
This would have given her the fright of her life. After Molinaro’s kidnapping attempt on Monday, this was the last thing she needed.
Rage replaces the panic. My hands clench into fists, and I want to punch Carlos so badly I’m shaking all over. Slower than before, he finishes the lap and pulls back into the garage.
I rush to the car. An assistant is already unbuckling my angel. My focus is completely on her. I’ll deal with Carlos later.
She fumbles with her helmet until she manages to take it off with shaking hands. “Oh my God! That was insane!” Ella shouts over the noise in the background.
She looks a little pale, but her eyes are sparkling. I help her out of the car, and she jumps into my waiting arms, adrenaline still pumping through her body. “I can’t feel my legs,” she admits, laughing.
I take her face into my hands and, without any preamble, kiss her.
No kind of disaster could stop me. I need to feel her lips on mine, need to reassure myself that she’s really unharmed.
Her fingers grip the back of my head as she presses herself closer against me. From one second to the next, my entire body goes up in flames. Lava is flowing through my veins, red-hot and scorching everything in its path.
She’s actually kissing me back. Tentative at first, but then she moves her head to the side to give me better access. Her lips are pliable and dance with mine. She moans against my mouth and the sound travels straight to my dick. It stands to perfect attention, ready for more.
Her impeccable breasts press against my chest, her nipples hardened bullets. I never want this to end. This is what I’ve hungered for. But I know I can’t push her or this will backfire.
With a groan, I pull back. Rubbing my nose against hers, I confess, “I was so scared when I saw the car go off. Are you really okay, angel?”
She nods against my chest as I hold her tight.
“I was scared for a moment. But I knew Carlos would know what to do.”
She clearly had more faith in him than I did.
Where has he gone, anyway? He’s disappeared. Can’t say I blame him. If I were him, I would avoid me like the plague as well.
Lucky for him, Ella is thrilled with the experience.
She senses my anger and rubs my arms reassuringly. “Tiero, I’m fine. I’m more than fine. This was the most exciting thing to ever happen in my life. Few people can say they nearly crashed with a Formula One champion. Jeez, Rhia will be so jealous when I tell her.”
The moment she remembers her friend, the shutters come down, and she looks away, untangling herself from me.
“Hey,” I pull her back. “I’m glad you loved it. Let’s find Carlos. You need pictures with him to prove to everyone you really did this.”
That brings back her smile, and we walk hand in hand outside to where Carlos is talking to his team.
We take a ton of pictures before Ella hugs him goodbye. As we leave, she calls out to him, “Make sure you win the race on Sunday. I want to be able to gloat that the race champion took me literally for a spin.”
Carlos salutes her, laughing, while I scowl at him. He looks away quickly.
I’ve calmed down enough to let the incident go.