Page 124 of Nights At Sea
Another SUV pulls up.
My stomach flips.
The doors open, and my heart stops.
Tiero is sliding out from the backseat, looking all powerful and commanding. He’s flanked by Santino and Mauro, both of whom look pissed off and on edge.
Oh no, no, no, no, no.
This isn’t happening! I’m so close to getting away.
If I can feel him so viscerally, can he feel me, too?!
I’m panicking now.
Oh my God, they do know I’m here.
But how?
How can they possibly know? I threw away the necklace this morning. Have I got another tracker on me? Did Tiero make good on his threat to put an implant in me when I was unconscious? No, surely he wouldn’t have gone that far and broken my trust in that way.
I watch Tiero’s henchmen approach him, but he sends them out again.
Mentally, I go through my actions to make sure I wasn’t followed.
I threw out all the clothes I wore this morning in case they had some sort of tracker sewn in—check.
Tracker necklace thrown into the lake—check.
As if of their own accord, my hands travel to my ears, rubbing the lobes in a subconscious motion. They touch metal. The blood drains from my face.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I’m still wearing the earrings Tiero gave me on the yacht after our first time together and didn’t even notice.
Damn it! No. No. No. No. No!
I yell at myself in my head… how did I overlook these?
I quickly remove the beautiful blue sapphire ear studs and roll them up in the protein bar wrapper.
The train finally rolls into the station. It’s only ten minutes late… I guess that’s not bad for Italian standards.
Had it been on time, though, I’d be already gone. But they would easily been able to follow me. As nerve-racking as this is, it’s turning out in my favor… if I can get onto the train unnoticed.
An unusual calm comes over me, though my heart is still beating frantically.
Tiero is looking at his phone and gesturing to Santino, who’s talking into his watch. I check where the two other soldiers are. They’re pressing their hands to their ears. I suspect it’s so they can hear Santino’s instructions through their earpieces over the noise of the station.
Mauro is joining the search now, mingling amongst the passengers waiting to get on the train. Thank God there’re plenty of tourists around today using public transport.
I angle my body so I can better see the man who, despite everything, still holds my heart.
Tiero looks openly furious, having lost the calm and collected demeanor he normally portrays to the world. My stomach drops, a shiver of fear running through me.If he catches me, I’m going to be in a world of trouble.
With renewed determination, I casually gather my things, holding the wrapper with the earrings in my fist. Calmly, I make my way to the train.
The doors open and passengers step out onto the platform. In amongst them is a young couple who seem eager to get out of the station. The woman is carrying a large, open, woven bamboo bag on her arm.