Page 137 of Nights At Sea
“Maybe you pushed me a little, but it was my decision to give into Tiero’s advances. Please don’t blame yourself.” I can’t stand seeing her so distraught. “How are you even here? Is it safe? You know they’re watching you.”
“I know. My super spy of a boyfriend figured that out real quick.”
“Super spy? What are you talking about?” I look confused at her and Lex. There’s a tension between them that’s never been there before.
“Holy cow, El! So much has happened. It feels like a lifetime and not just a few weeks.”
She doesn’t have to tell me… I feel like I’m living a different life altogether. How can so much change practically overnight?
“Didn’t you know Lex is a spy? That makes two of us,” Rhia says dryly, throwing a scornful look her boyfriend’s way.
“I keep telling you, it’s not called a spy anymore… that word is so nineteen sixties,” Lex grumbles from his spot by the window where he keeps watch.
I gape at her. “Say what?”
Ignoring Lex’s remark, she continues, “Yep, he was living a double life the whole time we’ve been together.”
I hear a groan from the window.
“Yes, you’re on my shit list,” she tells him. “But you’re redeeming yourself by getting Ella out of this mess.”
“Can you start from the beginning, please? How did you work out that I was in trouble?”
“Well—” but before Rhia can fill me in, Lex interrupts her.
“You can tell her later, trouble,” he says, leaving his spot by the window. “We need to get a few things sorted. We haven’t got much time.”
He takes a seat in an armchair opposite the lounge and moments later is joined by Ethan, who drags over a dining chair. He passes a stack of papers to Lex.
“It won’t take Gualtiero De Marco long to work out where in Switzerland you are. We’re monitoring his movements as best we can, and from what we can tell, he’s still in Monza.
“You’ve done a great job with your disguises, and if Trina hadn’t watched you disappear into the bathroom as a redhead and come out brunette, she’d probably have missed you too. Also extremely well done with the hat and sunglasses, it all helps fool facial recognition software. But the man isn’t stupid and will work it out.”
“I figured I needed a few disguises to keep them from finding me right away. I was lucky to find a hairdresser with so many wigs,” I say, feeling grateful all over again.
“Who is Trina?” I ask.
“Trina is my fiancée,” Ethan says. “We work together at Freemont Security. We were on vacation in Greece when we got the call to see what was going on with you. We were at Monza, and Garrett and Trina watched you escape yesterday.”
Was that only yesterday? It feels like a lifetime ago.
“Garrett is my twin brother,” Ethan explains before I can ask. “He and his wife, Miranda, are on vacation with us.”
“And is Miranda working in security as well? Where are they now?” I want to know.
“No, Miranda is a personal shopper for the wealthy in Atlanta. She’s out putting a new wardrobe together for you and getting a few other supplies. Trina is next door talking to the office, and Garrett is in the village observing the comings and goings. This place here is fairly small and there’s really only one way to come in from Italy.”
“Wow… I’m not sure what to say. Thank you all for being here to help me.”
Tears well in my eyes again. I’m overwhelmed by the sudden salvation that has come out of the blue. Only an hour ago, I thought I was up against the criminal world on my own.
I can only imagine how furious Tiero must be, and I fear for the guards who were meant to be at that gate.
“Freemont Security… is that the place that you will be working at, Lex?”
“It is,” he confirms.
“But you don’t start there for another month. How come they’re helping me?”