Page 157 of Nights At Sea
Tiero is onto me… it’s hardly surprising. It was only a matter of time before he worked out where I was.
I worried Mauro’s arrival also meant Tiero was on his way. And he would recognize me, no matter what my disguise might be. I know he can feel me, just like I feel him.
I can’t face him again—ever. I don’t think my heart could stand it.
Hidden away in the hotel, we packed up, and I applied my new face under Trina’s and Miranda’s watchful eyes. Thankfully, my new passport was ready, and I was set to go.
Saying goodbye to Garrett and his spitfire of a wife made me sad. Despite having only known them for such a short period, I’ve grown fond of them.
All the Freemont Security people I’ve met so far have been fantastic. It’s helped restore my belief in the goodness of humanity. There truly are wonderful souls in this world who aren’t driven by greed and power. I’m blown away by their kind-heartedness, and vow to myself that I’ll make it up to them… someday, somehow.
In true Miranda fashion, she was talking non-stop and informed me of the plans she’s already made for us to catch up in Atlanta. It’s given me something else to look forward to, and I’m grateful. It’s needed to combat my nerves.
Somewhat confident I wouldn’t be recognized, I walked to the train station, shadowed by Trina and Ethan, who also changed their appearances. We caught the midmorning train to Basel, not talking to each other once. They were very clear that even with our disguises we should never be caught talking or being close to each other in public.
In Basel, we changed trains, and I met up with Trina in the disabled toilets. She gave me my last instructions and told me someone would meet me when I get off the ship in Halifax or I would find new instructions there waiting for me. She handed me an emergency satellite phone with a warning to only turn it on if I was truly in trouble.
After a few more minutes of a well-appreciated pep talk, we hugged goodbye, and I’ve been on my own since.
I know Trina and Ethan are still around until the ship leaves in two days. They booked a harbor side room in a hotel facing the ship to keep an eye on everything.
With a last scowl at theSea Princess, I step onto the ship and into a whole new chapter of my life. Actually, it’s more like a completely different book.
The book ofThe Life of Ella Rosehas closed, and the booklet ofAsh Rene’s Adventureshas begun.
After a day of orientation, I’m in a corridor on my way to my tiny cabin. It really is the size of a shoebox. There’s just enough room for the bed and a tiny desk with a chair. I’m surprised I can turn around in there. But beggars can’t be choosers.
Lying in bed last night, it was hard not to think about Tiero’s yacht and how spacious it was. And the bed… jeez, it was comfortable. The things we did in that bed…
Just thinking about our first time together on the yacht had me all hot and bothered. And now I will never experience his touch again…
Ella, what have you done?!
I’m distracted from my meanderings when cursing and the rustle of bags comes from behind me. I turn around and watch a woman in flowing garments with a scarf wrapped around her head try to carry too many bags and losing half of them.
As she bends down to pick the bags up, the bangles on her wrists clang together and create a surprisingly pleasant sound. Hmm, is there such a thing as musical bangles?
At a guess, she’s in her late thirties, a little overweight, but with an energy that’s bright and inviting.
“Would you like help to carry your bags?” I ask her.
Her attention instantly goes to me, and she scans me for a long moment.
I raise a curious eyebrow at her and then, from one second to the next, she breaks out into a wide smile.
“That would be much appreciated. What’s your name?”
“I’m Ee…Ash,” I stumble over my name, and now it’s the gypsy lady raising an eyebrow at me.
Damn, I should have practiced the answer to such a simple question.
“Ash Morgan,” I say again, more confident this time as I pick up more of the dropped bags.
“Thank you for helping me, Ash Morgan. I’m Claudette.”