Page 169 of Nights At Sea
Then Oriana’s dead eyes stare back at me, and I see Alonso slumped bleeding on the floor.
My eyes fly open, and I clutch my chest, my heart suddenly racing. The flip side of Tiero’s love rushes back into my memories… his jealousy, his possessiveness, the constant danger.
Tiero’s words echo in my mind.
You’re born into this family, and you’ll die in it. There’s no way out but death.
No, I did the right thing. I can’t bring a child into that world of terror.
A new resolve forms deep within me.
My child will not be born into his father’s harsh world.
Gualtiero De Marco must never ever find out about this. I will move heaven and earth to make sure my child won’t grow up in a world of crime and danger.
I might not be able to give him much, but I will ensure that he’ll never experience the cruelties his father’s world sees as normal… not on my watch.
He’ll have all my love, and we’ll make it together.
I pat my belly gently. “We’ve got this.”
Today, the little peanut growing inside me is giving me renewed focus and determination to create a new life for myself, far away from the darkness of Tiero’s world.
Giving up is not an option.
Peanut needs me and by God, I need him too. Well, that’s assuming it’s a boy.
Tiero was so certain it would be.
When I get to Atlanta, I’ll find out. When I have my first scan, I’ll ask them if they can see already what sex my little peanut is. I’d like to know.
I press my hand firmer against my abdomen. “Your daddy might be a gangster, but mummy will keep you safe.”
If I have to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life, so be it.
It’s also time to become an expert in self-defense. And I guess learning how to shoot would be useful – no matter how much I dislike guns.
The life of my baby could depend on it, and I’m not going to take any chances.
God, this will be one hell of a journey.
I remind myself that the universe never gives you more than you can handle. It’s great to know it thinks I’m some sort of wonder woman.
It’s my last night on board the Sea Princess.
My laborious work has been keeping me busy, and I haven’t been thinking about the dilemma that’s my life… well, not too much anyway.
I’m hiding away in my favorite spot on the top deck, as always, finding strength and peace under the starry sky.
I realize before me lays the vast blank canvas of my future.
This is an opportunity to reinvent myself.
I have a new name, I’ve already made new friends, and Rhia and Lex are still in my life. I have a new job. Oh, and I will be a mother.
Holy shit!
The thought still rattles me, and I have to take a deep breath to calm the nerves that fire off every time I consider this pregnancy. My hands automatically cradle my belly tenderly.