Page 84 of Nights At Sea
When I finally succeed, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near him. I feel already sorry for the poor souls who are.
Today is Wednesday, in the second week of my captivity.
I have nothing meaningful to do all day, and it’s grating on my nerves.
I lean back in my chair by the pool and lift my face to the sun. Brownie is sleeping in my lap, while Milk and Oreo are stretched out by my feet.
There has to be something positive in all of this… other than my three little cuties. I’ve formed a friendship with Mariella—that’s good. She’s funny and quite witty once you get past her shy nature. We love playing card games together or backgammon. Much to my dismay, she’s beating me more and more.
Alonso has become as much of a friend as he can be in his position. He looks out for me beyond his call of duty, and as a thank you, I baked him a cake yesterday. He blushed when I gave it to him, touched by my simple gesture.
Let’s see… what other things are there to be happy about.
I get served my favorite foods every day, which under normal circumstances would melt my heart… or more likely my stomach.
Beautiful designer clothes and designer everything is at my fingertips. Though these things have never mattered to me.
I’m living in a stunning mansion with stunning views and stunning grounds to stroll in… if only it wasn’t my prison.
With my daily workouts, my fitness levels are gradually increasing. And last but not least, my mind is becoming sharper trying to work out a feasible way to escape.
So, there are plenty of things to be grateful about, many blessings to count.
Wednesday is usually the day Rhia and I go to our yoga class. It’s always been our way to combine catching up mid-week and doing something useful at the same time.
A tear slides down my cheek. I miss Rhia so much. She’s my confidant, my rock. I long to pick up the phone and talk to her, for us to work out a plan of attack, or better said escape, together.
It feels like an eternity since I’ve spoken to her. It’s the longest we’ve gone without being in touch.
Does she suspect anything yet? Or is she placated with the story that we’re in Africa and have no cellphone reception? Before too long, I know she’ll want to talk to me. I wonder if Gualtiero or my impersonator is still messaging her. Is Tiero’s plan to keep her snowed under with work paying off?
Undoubtedly, Rhia will have won the proposal given the whole thing was a setup. It’s a silver lining. At least she’ll benefit from this mess.
I remember what our yoga teacher once said during a meditation exercise.Imagine yourself connecting with the universal light. Let your light be brightened by it. Let it shine through you. Your light will dispense darkness and remind people of their light, their innate goodness. So, let your light shine brightly.
I close my eyes and do just that. Imagining my light shining brighter than ever before. Can I bring light into Tiero’s dark world? Do I really have the power to change things? Is this why I’m here? To bring light to a dark world?
So many questions and only speculations as answers.
At least it makes me feel less useless and insignificant, thinking there’s a purpose to my gilded misery.
Yes, I can bring light… if not to Gualtiero, then to the people here… small step by small step. Mariella appears happier since we’ve been spending more time together.
And Alonso? I’ve seen him heading toward the kitchen a few times. Next time I go shopping, I’ll get him some fabulous chef knives.
And Gualtiero? Well, he didn’t hit me that night. He was hellbent on punishing me but then changed course. That has to be a win for the light, right?
Chapter Twenty
I’vebeenawakefora while, enjoying Ella’s closeness.
We’re in bed. Her legs are draped over mine, and her body is tucked against my side. I push my arm underneath her shoulder to bring her closer, trying hard not to wake her. If I had my way, there wouldn’t be an inch left between us.
It’s not the first time since her vacation ended that she’s sought me out when asleep.
I was the one cuddling her the first few nights we spent in this bed, and she glared at me when she woke up.