Page 51 of Wrapped in his Highland Sins
“Yes, child! Do ye ken him? Has he returned? Can ye take me tae him?” The old lady peppered her with questions, and Edna felt a pang pierce her chest when she heard his name. She was madly in love with him. What he had done to her was completely unacceptable, but she couldn't help but feel that way. She knew she shouldn't be concerned with what this woman wanted from him, but she couldn't help herself. One thing she was certain of was that she could never face him again. She'd rather die than see him again. If she approached him, it would appear as a desperate attempt to catch his attention, which Edna did not want. She'd never give him that kind of satisfaction.
“All I can tell ye is that the rumors are true, and he has indeed returned, but I cannae take ye tae him. Ye will have tae find a way tae dae that yerself,” Edna replied; her tone firm.
“Child, ye are young and have energy in yer body. I am nothing but an old woman whose life is about tae end anyway. I really need tae get tae Ronin or else the secrets I have will remain secrets forever, and the poor boy will suffer needlessly. I need tae tell him something about the murder that happened ten years ago,” the old woman said.
Her father's murder had been the only murder ten years ago, and Ronin's father had died shortly after. Edna couldn't help but wonder what this woman knew about those deaths and what secrets she desperately needed to tell Ronin. One thing she was certain of was that whatever the information was, it worried her.
Edna knew she no longer had a choice. It was true that she did not wish to see Ronin, but she could sense that this old woman was not lying and indeed had something important to tell him. She sighed deeply and finally made up her mind. She would help her but that was only because she wanted to find out what this information was herself.
“Why now? Why are ye telling these secrets after ten years?” Edna asked.
“The laird’s son was sent away back then, and he was too young tae understand anything then, hence there was nae point. The murders that have started happening again though have forced me tae come and find Ronin, so I can finally tell him the truth,” the old woman answered; her voice sounding tired and worn out.
“There is one way tae get inside the castle, but that can only be done by climbing a door. I can easily dae that, but I dinnae think ye can. Why don’t ye tell me whatever the secret is, and I will deliver it tae Ronin?” Edna said, hoping to find out what it was.
“I cannae dae that, my bairn. I will only deliver this secret directly tae Ronin. I will speak tae nae one else but the laird’s son,” her tone had a finality to it. She was not going to budge. That left Edna with no choice but to think of a way to take the old woman to Ronin.
She looked around and noticed that the guard was still standing at the castle door, but it wasn't the young man she had seen earlier. Edna realized the only way she could bring the elderly lady inside was to sneak in through the front gate. She stood with the woman in the shade of the trees, her gaze fixed on the castle gate. All she had to do was find the right moment, and as soon as the guard moved to another location, they would sneak inside.
“What are we waiting for?” the old woman asked.
“We are waiting for this damned guard tae move so we can sneak inside the yard and into the castle. There is nae other way tae get inside,” Edna explained and the old woman nodded patiently.
After a few agonizing minutes, the guard at the gate abruptly walked away and towards the castle's back. Edna knew this was probably her only chance to enter the castle, and she didn't want to ruinit. She looked over at the elderly lady next to her and noticed that she, too, had seen the guard walk away.
"We'll have taerun," Edna said quietly as she began running quickly towards the castle gate. The old lady trailed behind her, but she was slower than her and heworriedly looked from left to right, fearful that the guard would appear at any moment. She stood just by the gate and waited till the old lady had finally reached it to quickly run inside the yard and hide behind a huge pillar that concealed them both.
The guard returned just as they were hiding, and Edna felt as if her heart would burst out of her chest. She'd never done anything so outrageously criminal before. Sneaking inside the castle felt like a terrible idea, but she was glad she did it. The old lady couldn't have done it herself, and she had at least assisted someone. Whatever information she had could be extremely useful to Ronin.
Just then, Edna’s eyes fell on Lachlan as he walked out of the castle and into the yard. Her first reaction at seeing him was to run towards him and smash his face in the wall for what he had done to her. Though she knew it was not his fault. If it were anyone’s fault, it was Ronin’s alone. Though, once her violent reaction to him calmed down, she was able to think more rationally.
Lachlan had better access to Ronin and could quickly bring the elderly lady to him. Shewould have to sneak her way through because anyone could be present, and Mara could easily find her. Lachlan would be a better fit. She turned to ask her to accompany Lachlan instead of herself and noticed that she was staring at him as well.
“Is he the boy?” she asked when she noticed Edna looking at him.
“Nae, that is Lachlan. He is Ronin’s childhood friend. I can take ye tae him, and he can easily take ye tae Ronin. Alright?”
“Nae! Nae! I dinnae wish tae be with any strange man other than the laird’s son. I dinnae trust anyone with this news but him, and I cannae go tae Ronin with him. I want ye tae take me, bairn, please,” the old woman pleaded.
She could tell the woman was desperate and trying everything she could to reach Ronin with the news. She was her only hope of safely reaching him, and she had no desire to dash that hope. She genuinely wanted to assist the woman. Furthermore, she knew that if she let the old woman go with Lachlan, she would never find out what the news was. This was her one and only chance. This was news that the old lady had told her, and she was curious to find out what it was. This woman knew something about her father and why he was murdered, and Edna had to know what it was.
“That is okay. I will take ye tae him myself,” Edna assured her and patted on her arm softly. The old woman finally calmed down again and nodded before adjusting her shawl to keep her face hidden.
Edna walked out from behind the pillar and indicated for her to follow suit. The yard was devoid of any guards, and the two women easily made their way inside the castle. Just when Edna had thought the worst was over, and they would be able to reach Ronin easily, her eyes fell onto a guard who was coming downstairs. She turned to the old woman to ask her to run and hide, but it was too late already; the guard had spotted them.
“Who are ye two?” he shouted just as Edna was beginning to sprint away. By this point, she knew there was no point in trying to run away since escape was no longer possible. They had been found, and Edna had no idea what this meant for either of them.
“We are here to see Ronin,” Edna replied, trying to sound as sure and confident as she could under these circumstances.
“Ye are seeing nae one until ye tell me who ye are,” the man said firmly, his tone stern.
“Why should we tell ye who we are. We just want tae meet Ronin and then we will go,” the old woman answered, sounding fierce. Edna was well aware that the guard would not budge an inch. He wasn't going to let them see Ronin or even be near him. She prayed with all her heart for himto appear miraculously and save her, just as he had done the first time they met. Only he could get them out of this mess right now.
Before the first guard could say anything, another appeared from nowhere and approached him. Edna knew the situation would only worsen from here, and neither of the guards would be helpful to their cause. She didn't know what the protocol was for trespassers, but she had a feeling it wasn't going to be good.
“Who are they?” the guard that had just arrived questioned.
“They are here tae meet with Ronin,” the first guard informed him.