Page 41 of Bad Boy Bear
Chapter Twenty-two
Who would have thought Alani would get to ride a bear twice in one day? Not Alani. And if she was counting their romp in the valley between the two mountains, with the soft breeze brushing over her skin and the birds chirping in the trees, not a care in the world, technically she had ridden a bear three times that day.
The second was the most enjoyable of the three, but as Ivo carried her on his back to his clan’s sacred cave, she decided this was infinitely better than the first. Without a ram in sight, she was able to relax a little, her hands still wrapped tightly around clumps of thick black fur.
Alani took in the clan’s territory in a contemplative silence, using the time to study the forest paths Ivo chose to take, always wondering if every animal she saw might also be a shifter. They all seemed to come out in Ivo’s presence, unfazed by his bear form, yet if he and she had hiked through on two legs, the animals would have most likely stayed in hiding.
She knew, logically, that she should have been in full-tilt freak-out mode. Because, hello, she was riding on her boyfriend’s back—her boyfriend who was currently in the form of a muscular black bear. Yet she was calm. Collected. Like the sex had a sedative effect on her somehow. Maybe it did. She’d never come as hard in her life as when she came with Ivo.
On that walk, however, Alani had decided that until this was all over, she was going to roll with the punches. There was no way she could go back to town and sit in her apartment worrying about Ivo’s safety. He had made her promise before he shifted that once he found a safe spot for her in the cave, she had to stay there no matter what.
While she wasn’t totally sure she could just sit by if he were in danger, she agreed. After all, she had her twins to think about. As much as she wanted to defend her man against those horned brutes, she couldn’t place herself needlessly in harm’s way. There was no outcome from all the scenarios that she had imagined while riding atop Ivo’s back that involved her girls being without a mother. None.
While Ivo took her up the mountainside, he came to a stony plateau outside the mouth of an enormous cave, the sound of a crackling fire and heated conversations warning her that they had arrived long before he stopped. When he finally did, Alani slid off his back, wincing at the tightness in her hips—sitting all the time making pottery didn’t exactly make her the most flexible person ever.
She jumped when Ivo shifted back to his regular self right before her eyes. A hand going to her head, she let him steady her with a smile.
“I think I’ll still need a bit of time to get used to that.”
“I understand,” he said as he pulled her close and pressed a firm kiss to her forehead. “Have I mentioned that you’re handling all this really well? Like, suspiciously well…”
“We have a lot to talk about when this blows over,” Alani told him, eyebrows twitching up when his smile turned uneasy. “A lot. I mean, the whole shifters-really-exist-in-the-world thing aside, I have kids to think about. I’m sure they would love you as a bear, but it’s a lot to ask—”
The rest of her words were muffled when he kissed her, mouth catching hers slightly parted and taking full advantage. Something stirred between her thighs again, a hunger to go another round buck naked against a tree or something just as wild, but she knew this wasn’t the time. When they broke apart, Ivo let loose a soft sigh.
“We can talk all you want once I figure things out,” he promised. “Like I said before, there are no expectations. You’re my soulmate, Alani, but I understand our situation is… complicated.”
She shrugged. “Life is complicated. You just have to figure out how to make it all work the best you can.”
It was something her mother had said to her time and time again—and in this case, the pearls of wisdom really rang true. This was complicated, but she was determined to explore all her options before giving in to the urge to run back to Hawaii and forget any of it ever happened. That would be the easiest thing to do, but it certainly wouldn’t make her happy. Not anymore.
The way Ivo looked at her sometimes, it was like he had never seen a woman like her before. Alani shifted under his loving gaze, not exactly sure how it made her feel. She didn’t want to be on a pedestal by any means, but it was kind of nice to have a man so openly appreciative of her.
“You’re an incredible human being,” he said softly, which made her cheeks prickle with a blush. She grabbed his hand and squeezed.
“And you’re… a hot bear shifter,” she fired back, giggling. The laughter faded, however, as the voices started to climb louder and louder within the cave. Ivo’s features lost some of their lightheartedness, and he cleared his throat before quickly kissing her hand.
“Don’t be nervous,” he said when they started walking toward the huge opening in the side of the mountain. “They’re all going to love you. It’s me they have the problem with most days, so don’t take it personally if they gawk like idiots.”
She nodded. “Noted.”
Not the most rousing speech to chase away her nerves, but there wasn’t time to dwell on it. Before long, she was standing in front of what looked like fifty or so people, all of whom stopped talking to stare, just as Ivo said. Some were naked like the shifter holding her hand, and she suddenly found herself unsure of where to look.
“Some of you may have seen her around town,” Ivo said, his voice carrying to what seemed like the far back of the cave, “but this is Alani. She’s a visiting art student working in Tanith Ravenna’s gallery… and she’s my fated mate. We will all do what we can to keep her safe.”
What followed could only be described as a stunned silence, and Alani offered a shy wave at the sea of blank faces staring at her. Finally, a few of those blank faces started nodding. Eventually one of them even came toward her. While Ivo was a big guy—tall and muscular, yet lean—this guy was just a huge beefcake. Gorgeous, in a man of the woods kind of way with his facial scruff and wild black hair.
“Miguel,” he said as he offered his hand to her. Alani took it tentatively, imagining him squeezing the life out of it. Instead, his handshake was gentle, cautious even, as was his smile. “I am the Alpha of the Angel Fire bear clan, and I personally promise your safety while you are here with us.”
She swallowed hard, sensing Ivo shifting his weight from foot to foot beside her. “Thank you, Miguel.”
“For goodness sake, Miguel, get her something to wear,” a woman ordered with a sigh. She was gorgeous, close in age to Alani, and had a scraggly-haired toddler on her hip who seemed a bit fussy.
“I’ll do it,” Ivo said, jogging into the cave and leaving her there with the Alpha. The woman moved in immediately, her hair a frizzy mess—but Alani’s wasn’t any better, especially at this hour of the morning—and her leg in one of those casts that allowed for movement. She limped somewhat, and by the way Miguel lurched forward to steady her, Alani suspected they might be an item.
“I’m Clarissa,” she said, awkwardly balancing her toddler on one hip and offering her free hand to Alani, who took it. “Are you human?”
Alani’s brows shot up. “Uh. Yes?”