Page 36 of Dr. Bear's Mate
“After this morning, I think I’m ready for anything,” she insisted with a nervous smile. “Show me the bears…”
“I know it’s a bit of a mindfuck, but I promise that once you just go with the flow, everything will get easier.”
Tanith took a huge gulp of the ice cold beer Ivo had just handed her, nodding slowly. Not only had there been bear shifters waiting for her in the cave, but other clans had gathered to discuss the cougar business. Blake had been commandeered the second they passed the threshold, but he had the decency to take the time to explain the situation to Espie Ruiz, who had taken charge of Tanith’s bear shifter introductions immediately.
Although Tanith actually knew many of the people—shifters—present, they were formally reintroduced now that she was privy to their backgrounds. Each shifter introduced themselves, then told her what kind of animal they turned into. So far, there were a lot of black bears. The Ruiz siblings appeared to be the only grizzlies, and Espie’s fated mate Luther was a polar bear.
At one point, Miguel had interrupted the introductions to steal his sister away.
“Welcome to the family, Tanith,” he’d said, his smile warm as he shook her clammy hand, her insides a bundle of nerves. “I wish we could take the time to ease you into it, but just know we’re all the same people you’ve always known. It’s just…now you’ll get to know our fuzzy sides too.”
“Right,” she’d laughed. “We’re just taking things to another level.”
“We take care of our own, and since Blake is under clan protection, any you’re his fated mate, you’re one of us too,” he assured her. “I’m sorry about the gallery. When today’s meeting is done, we’re going to discuss what we can do to help you. I promise.”
The whole cave was like one giant party, though most of the shifters appeared stressed over the cougar situation. Before Tanith could sink too far into her own head, Miguel’s reminder of her gallery instantly tanking her spirits, Ivo had scooped her from the crowd, sat her down, and shoved a beer into her hand.
“This is kind of a shitty time to walk into the inner circle,” Ivo told her as he settled on the bench beside her.
Tanith shot him a look, this man who had lived above her gallery for years, this man who had always been her friend, and then downed the rest of her beer. “No kidding,” she managed, which made him snort.
“I mean, all the clans are going nuts over this cougar business,” he continued with a scowl, “and I don’t blame them. Normally, this cave is for gatherings, parties, Saturday afternoon hang outs, but even when it is used for its intended purpose, human fated mates all have trouble coming to grips with it. Alani was pretty easy to get on board, all things considered, but I know she struggled a little at the beginning too.”
“Alani?” Of course. They were married—she must be Ivo’s fated mate. Tanith swirled her beer around, frowning. “Where is she today? Shouldn’t she be here too?”
“She went to Hawaii last weekend with the girls,” he remarked, his gaze drawn to a few raised voices on the other side of the cave. “It’s her mom’s birthday tomorrow.”
Tanith sunk down, horrified that she had been so cruel about someone she had always considered a dear friend. Of course Alani hadn’t been responsible for the fire. How could she have ever thought such a thing?
Just as she was about to down the rest of her beer, then maybe ask Ivo for another—or something stronger—Blake’s voice carried over all the rest. And he sounded irate; while curse words flowed from Ivo’s mouth like the Nile, Blake had rarely said a foul word around her in all the time she knew him. Worried, she set her drink aside and pushed through the crowd, Ivo behind her, to see what was going on.