Page 57 of Still My Forever

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Page 57 of Still My Forever

Gil rose. “I will.” He couldn’t offer an official handshake with his right hand in the sling, but he stepped close and pulled his Onkel into an embrace.

Onkel Hosea wrapped his arms around Gil and held tight. His injured wrist, trapped between the two of them, throbbed, but he didn’t mind. They hugged for a long time, and when his uncle finally loosened his hold, he put his hands on Gil’s shoulders and looked him square in the face. “I cannot guarantee your Taunte will change in how she views you. She’s carried this hurt for over twenty years. It will be hard for her to let it go. But I ask you to forgive her anyway. Will you forgive her?”

Gil’s lips wobbled into a smile. “I already have.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Ava sat on the porchwith a jacket draped across her lap, watching for Gil. After the unfortunate end to the parade, she’d gone to the quilts and needlework booth where one of the finished uniforms was on display. She presumed Gil would look for her there. But he never came. Each time she spotted one of the boys from the band, she’d called him over and asked if he’d seen Gil. But she received the same response every time—“Nä, Miss Flaming, I haven’t. I don’t know where he is.”

Wilhelmina Plett finally came to the booth and breathlessly informed Ava and the other women that Hosea and Dorcas had taken Earl to Dr. Graves in Aiken. Although it concerned her that Earl had injured himself badly enough to need the doctor, she was relieved to have her mystery solved. Just after the accident, she’d caught a glimpse of Joseph and Gil running toward the alley behind the café. They’d probably gone for the wagon, and Gil likely rode along to the doctor.

But his departure stole her enjoyment of the Fourth of July celebration, so when Mama wanted to go home and rest, Ava went with her. While Mama napped, Ava sat on the porch and finished the embroidery on another jacket. Now dusk hadfallen. She couldn’t see well enough to stitch, but she stayed put and waited. Because surely Gil would come to her when he got back from Aiken.

Mama poked her head out the front door. “Aren’t you ready to come in?”

“Not yet, Mama.”

Her mother crossed to Ava and gave her an awkward, one-armed hug. “Ach, I’m sorry your day was ruined.”

“Not as much as Gil’s was.” Ava’s heart hurt for Gil. He’d blame himself for Earl’s fall. She sighed. “I feel bad for Earl, but I’m mostly worried about Gil. I hope this won’t make him drop out of the competition in McPherson.”

Mama moved to Papa’s rocker and sat. “If an accident can make him give up, then he will likely never accomplish anything of value. Life isn’t perfect. Sometimes we trip over our own two feet. What matters is, do we just lie there or do we get up again?”

Ava smiled. “That’s very practical thinking, Mama.”

“Jo, well, it’s also true.” She pulled her shawl more snugly around her shoulders. “If I know Gil, he won’t give up. And he won’t let Earl give up, either. I only hope Earl’s parents won’t stand in the way. This can be a good growing experience for him if they don’t allow this fall to cripple him. In here.” She tapped her forehead.

The sound of approaching footsteps captured Ava’s attention. She set the jacket aside and dashed to the railing. “Gil? Is that you?” He moved free of the shadows, and joy burst through her. He was back! Then she spotted the pale cloth sling against his dark suit. She sucked in a gasp and raced to the stairs. “Oh, you’re hurt! What happened?”

He trudged up the steps, his left hand reaching toward her.She took hold of it and drew him near. He tipped his cheek briefly against her hair. “It’s nothing much. Just a sprain.”

Mama cleared her throat. “Good evening, Gil.”

Gil gave a little start, his gaze zipping to Mama. He stepped away from Ava. “Oh, Taunte Maria, I didn’t see you there.”

“And now you have. How is Earl?”

Gil told them about Earl’s sprained ankle and stitched chin. “Taunte Dorcas is worried he’ll forever have a scar on his face, but Earl told me secretly he wants one. He thinks it will make him look tough.”

Mama laughed. “Ach, so like a boy.” She stood. “Now that you are safely back, I think I’ll go in.” She moved toward the door, sending a soft smile across both of them. “Ava is afraid you’ll give up because Earl got hurt today. But I told her you have moreEntschlotenheitthan that.”

Gil hung his head and released a soft laugh. “Taunte Maria, you have more determination than anyone I know. We all pale in comparison to you.”

Mama grinned, then she closed herself in the house.

Ava guided Gil to the rockers, and they sat. “How did you get hurt today?”

“It’s not important. What is important is its effect.” He glared at his limp fingers sticking out from the white fabric sling. “How will I direct the band? How will I do the chores at Roald’s place? And how will I play my violin? I need my right hand.” He sent her a frustrated frown. “Ava, the competition in McPherson is a little over six weeks away. I’ve focused mostly on the marching piece so the boys could perform today for the town. We still have another song to learn, and the doctor said it will take at least six weeks for my wrist to heal. If I can’t direct, then how will the boys be ready to compete?”

He rested his head against the rocker’s back and blew out a breath. “The whole walk over here, I talked to God about my fleece. I wonder if my hurt hand is His answer.”

“What do you mean?”

He shifted his head and looked into her eyes. “Remember I told you if the boys win in McPherson, they’ll compete against all the first-place winners across the state?” At her nod, he continued. “Well, I asked God to let the boys win the competition in McPherson if I’m meant to stay here longer.”

Her heart began thudding like Ralph Ediger’s bass drum.

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