Page 81 of Only You
I was just settling in for a long nap on the roof when I heard a noise below me. The clang of metal ladder rungs, followed by the creaking sound of rusty hinges. The hatch flew open and Donovan’s gorgeous face appeared next to me.
“Two minutes and eighteen seconds!” He thrust a victorious fist into the air. “I win!”
“How on earth did you find me so quickly?” I asked, sitting up. “I thought I was going to get at least twenty minutes alone up here.”
“It’s suspicious how quickly I found you, isn’t it?” he said, narrowing his eyes. “There’s no way I could have found you without help…”
“Wait a minute. Didyoucheat?” I demanded.
“Of course I cheated!” he replied. “I plugged in the security system and watched where you hid, just like you did to me!”
I gasped. “I didn’t cheat! You mentioned that hiding place to me the other day! Butyoutotally cheated! You ruined my best hiding spot!”
He rested an elbow on the roof. “We agreed only to hideinsidethe hotel. So technically you’re still cheating by hiding here.”
“I… but… The roof is totally part of the hotel!” I argued.
Donovan shook his head and disappeared down the ladder. “I’m gonna start calling you Cheater instead of Feisty. This is really disappointing. Don’t you follow therules?”
“Oh come on,” I said while following him down the ladder. “The roof is part of the hotel.”
“So, using your logic, the balcony would be an illegal hiding place, too?”
“Fine, this round is a draw,” I said as we took the stairs down to the ground floor. “You go hide, and I’ll find you. And IpromiseI won’t need to cheat to beat you.”
“A likely story,” he said.
I went behind the counter and counted to one hundred. “Ready or not, here I come!” I called. “And unlike some people, I’m not looking at the security system!”
I walked across the lobby and wondered where to search first. Then I heard a noise in the pool room.
What’s that?
I tip-toed through the lobby. The noise grew louder as I approached the door, and when I peeked inside, I saw Donovan doing the backstroke across the pool.
I threw open the door and said, “You know you’re supposed tohideduring hide and seek, right?”
“I guess you win,” he said while continuing to swim.
“Did you lose on purpose?”
“I had a lot of fun the last time you won,” he said, “So I figured I would let you win again.”
“You don’t have to let me win. I would have won regardless, because I’m better than you at hiding. And I don’t cheat.”
“Forget the game. Join me for a swim.”
“I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”
“Neither did I!” Donovan reached the end of the pool, then rolled over onto his belly in the water. His bare ass cheeks broke the surface of the water for a split second before he dove underwater.
I giggled, then decided what the hell. I stripped down until I was naked and ran across the tile floor, doing a cannonball next to his swimming form.
The pool was heated to the perfect temperature. I casually swam laps next to Donovan while he did the backstroke across the pool. Occasionally I splashed water at his face, causing him to sputter and choke.