Page 114 of Tight End
I looked back and forth between them. “Y’all are asking a lot of questions of a man you want to bench.”
“There are a lot of solutions to a problem,” coach said. “I’d rather fix a tool than throw it away.”
“Don’t know if it can be fixed,” I admitted. “Dating me has fucked up Taylor’s life. Isabella’s pissed we’re dating, so she’s taking it out on Taylor. Forced her to fly out here for the game, then won’t let her cheer. She spent the whole game sitting on her very shapely ass.”
“That’s simple,” MacMillan said. “I can have Isabella fired. Problem solved.”
The solution was so clear, so obvious, that it pulled me forward. It was a tantalizing whisper. I wanted to say yes, to have it done with the snap of MacMillan’s authoritarian fingers.
“Wouldn’t be right,” I said. “Bella and I have our issues, but she worked hard to get to that spot.”
“And she’s basically blackmailing your girlfriend out of jealousy,” MacMillan said. “I’ve fired people for less.”
“Two wrongs don’t make a right, boss,” I said. “And me getting you to fire my ex-girlfriend would surely be wrong.” I shook my head. “Besides. There are bigger problems than just that. Taylor’s catching flak at the university. They don’t like all the paparazzi attention, or whatever.”
Leather creaked as MacMillan shifted in his seat. “You need to figure it out, Brody. Because if you don’t, the coach is going to have to bench you for the next game. And he’ll have my full endorsement.”
“I know…” I started to say, but then stopped. Something MacMillan had said jogged a memory.
The memory flashed into another thought, which flared into the beginning of an idea.
“You know, I may have an idea,” I said. “But I might need your help pulling some strings.”
“If it gets us back the elite Brody Carter?” MacMillan chortled. “I’ll pull every damn string in Utah if I have to.”
I smiled. “Funny you should phrase it like that…”