Page 39 of Tight End
“It’s not, though,” I said. “Not all sports are the same.”
Eric made a whatever gesture with his hand, while focusing intensely on Brody.
“Um.” Brody shrugged. “Shaquille O’Neal, I guess?”
Eric quickly typed it into the tablet. Then all of us looked up at the screen to wait for the answer.
ANSWER: Hakeem Olajuwon. Houston Rockets.
“Houston!” Eric said. “Come on, Brody. You’re from Texas. You should have gotten that.”
“I’m a Mavs fan, not Rockets,” he replied.
Eric made a tsk tsk sound. “I’m not sure why we invited you if you cannot help us with the sports questions.”
Brody made a face.
“Stop it,” I told Eric a little more forcefully.
“What?” Eric asked. “I’m just teasing him. Right, Brody?”
“Sure,” Brody replied, but his smile was a little more strained this time.
“Next question!” Professor McHolmes said.
Adi Dassler founded this shoe company in 1924.
“Shoes!” Isabella said, turning to Brody. “You have a shoe endorsement. You should know this.”
“I just wear the sneakers that show up in the mail,” he replied. “That doesn’t make me an expert on every shoe company’s history.”
“I think I know this one,” I said, searching my memory. “I heard about it on a podcast. There were two brothers in Germany…” The words on the screen suddenly clicked in my brain. “Adidas! That’s where the name came from: Adi Dassler. Adi-Das!”
“Very good,” Eric said while typing in the answer.
“Hah!” Isabella playfully smacked Brody’s arm several times. “That’s who you’re sponsored with! You should have gotten that answer!”
He shrugged. “Guess so.”
“I would be embarrassed to have an endorsement and not know anything about the company.” Isabella turned to the rest of the table. “I want Brody to hook me up with an endorsement. But he won’t do it.”
“I told you, I don’t handle that sort of thing,” he replied. “My agent covers it. I never talk to nobody.”
“But you could, if you tried,” she insisted. “You won’t even do it for me?”
Brody pointed at the screen. “Next question’s up.”
This man was briefly the richest person in the world in 2021 before being surpassed by Elon Musk.
“Jeff Bezos?” I muttered out loud.
“No, he was the richest for a longer stretch,” Eric replied.
“Bernard Arnault!” Isabella suddenly said.
Everyone turned toward her.
“He owns Louis Vuitton,” she said. “And a whole bunch of other brands.”