Page 55 of Tight End
I thought about that as I threw the ball with Luna in the park. The husky seemed to have infinite energy. I threw the ball again, and when the dog went racing away from me, I pulled out my phone and sent Brody a photo.
Taylor: That white blur in the photo is Luna. She’s enjoying park time!
Brody: That dog will chase the ball until she keels over dead. Appreciate the help, T-Foxy.
Taylor: Like I said, I don’t mind at all. As long as you really are at an Adidas shoot, and not out with a bunch of supermodels or something ;-)
Brody: Damn. You caught me. Right now I’m in bed with Liselle Bundchen.
Taylor: Don’t you mean GISELLE Bundchen?
Brody: No way. I’m not moving in on Tom Brady’s woman. Liselle is Giselle’s twin sister.
I laughed it off, and then Brody sent me a photo. He was taking the photo in front of a mirror, which allowed me to see him from head to toe. He was wearing a pair of white-and-gold Adidas shoes, but that wasn’t what drew my attention. The rest of his body was covered in a skin-tight green latex suit all the way up to his neck. Small white balls were sewn into the latex at his joints.
My eyes lingered on the large—very large—green bulge showing at the front of the suit. The only thing that stopped me from staring longer was that Luna returned with the tennis ball. I picked it up, hurled it across the park, and then typed a response.
Taylor: What on earth are you wearing!
Brody: It’s for a videogame or something. I run around in these shoes while they track my movements and stuff.
Taylor: You look ridiculous.
Brody: I feel ridiculous! Kind of seems like I’m being punked. But the geeks on their laptops seem to know what they’re doing. Plus they’re paying me a whole mess of money.
Taylor: Oh really?
Taylor: Maybe I shouldn’t have offered to let Luna out for free. I should be getting ten percent of whatever they’re paying you.
Brody: Sorry, T-Foxy. My agent does all the negotiating for me.
Taylor: Not good enough. If you don’t deliver forty trillion dollars to my office at the University of Utah by tomorrow morning, then you’ll never see Luna again.
Brody: How about you take whatever you want in the fridge and we call it even?
Taylor: You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Carter. You’ve got yourself a deal.
I played with Luna for another thirty minutes. Brody wasn’t joking: this dog would keep playing forever if I let her. But my arm was getting tired, so the next time Luna brought me her ball, I put it in my pocket.
“Time to go home.”
Luna paused to make sure she heard me right, then let out an incomprehensible babble of husky talk. Her jaw flapped as she let out a flurry of moans, barks, and howls. It was so ridiculous that I just stood there and laughed.
“Got that out of your system? Okay, let’s go.”
When I tried putting the leash on her, she ran over to a copse of trees and began running laps. She circled the trees with blinding speed, as if she were trying to break some sort of record. After about ten laps, she fell to the ground and began rolling around on her back while howling.
I took a video with my phone and sent it to Brody.
Taylor: I think your dog is broken.
Brody: Damn. Better trade her in for the newest model.
Brody: Make sure you take the harness and leash off her when you get home. Otherwise she’ll run around and get tangled on something. That’s how I lost my last coffee table.