Page 11 of The Hunt
She was always going to be ours. We said we’d pay her college tuition on the off chance she beat us to the top in spite of us rigging the chase. But what we didn’t make clear was that we’d be paying for her to attend the same college as us. We forged and paid for her application, completely unsurprised when her acceptance letter came before the rest of ours.
“Let’s get going.” West takes the lead on the banks of the creek.
“I’m going to stay back and follow this trail. It’ll give me an idea of what this guy is doing. Maybe where he’s been camping.” Cody takes off, staying within earshot, but he’s right. From the banks of the creek we can’t see him that well. Surprising because he’s the tallest of the three of us.
For a long time the only sounds are of a single crow cawing in the distance, the water rushing over the rocks, and the occasional sound of our feet. Once in a while I hear a twig snap to our right where Cody is walking, but generally he stays pretty silent. I keep my phone out, tracking as we go and feeling good about gaining on her while we hunt a different predator.
That creepy feeling has followed me all the way up to the first ridge. I don’t know if it’s just paranoia, or if that hiker is still following me, but I’m not looking back to find out. I actually pulled the walkie talkie out of the depths of the pack and put it in my pocket just in case I need help.
Allowing myself a second to appreciate the alpine air and view of the valley beneath me, I stare out in wonder. I haven’t hiked in so long and I’m remembering how much I love it. All the mountains are still covered in white at their peaks and deep green down the sides of their slopes.
A familiar caw rings out over the ridge as I sit down to eat some lunch. A second later the crow lands on the rock in front of me, its presence comforting.
I tilt my head as I make eye contact with it. I don’t know enough about crows to tell if it’s a male or female, but I feel like it needs a name. I study it as it seems to do the same right back. Its feathers are deep black with a bluish sheen to them.
“I’m going to name you Blue.” I hold my hand out steady and Blue flies right onto my palm. His beady eyes dart back and forth between my face and the protein bar wrapper in my other hand.
“Oh, I see what you want. Some more shiny stuff.” I crumple the wrapper up in my fist and shake my head. “I’m not sure I should give you this. It’s basically littering.”
Blue hops in my palm so they’re facing me again, cocking their head back and forth.
“I’m putting this one back in the ziplock.” The crow flies from my hand down to the ground at my feet, shaking its body with an impressive amount of sass for a bird.
It strikes me that I’m having a one sided conversation with a bird. Obviously, I didn’t get enough human interaction last night. Not that there was much talking.
I can still feel West’s hands on my body when I close my eyes. The way he touched me felt almost reverent at times, like he’d been waiting years to get his hands on me.
I shake that thought off. If he had wanted me, he could have easily gotten me.
With a deep sigh, I stand and turn to look at the wall of granite. It’s not too high, definitely something that’s possible to climb without gear if you’re trained and experienced. I walk over to a portion of the wall that looks easy enough and manage to scramble up about four feet. At that level, all the holds lengthen beyond my reach, so I track back to solid ground.
I spend a while looking for another route, but come up empty handed each time. I know there’s a steep trail off the west side. I probably should have just gone for that right from the start, but the temptation of a more direct route was too much.
Blue lands on my shoulder and hops a few times, seemingly agitated. I look over, about to ask what its deal is, when I hear the crunch of a boot on the rocks. My stomach drops and I don’t even have to look to know it isn’t a friendly face.
“Couldn’t find a route up?” the creepy hiker asks. He walks toward me, closer than he’s come before. As he steps even nearer, I’m hit with a wave of rank BO and dirty hair.
Blue caws loudly at him, staying on my shoulder like a winged guard dog. I take a step away from the hiker before answering. “Yeah, I’ll have to wait for my boyfriend to get up here with the equipment. Should be here in a minute.”
My heartbeat thunders in my ear as he reaches toward me, his fingernails caked with dirt. Blue seizes that moment to attack, darting out and pecking at his hand. The man had been smiling, but with that his eyes harden and his lips form a severe line.
“Looks like you made a feathered friend.” His hand slices through the air toward Blue, trying to grab him mid-flight. “I’m not against grilled crow for dinner.”
Blue escapes him, but continues to circle around while I try to edge further away. Bile rises in my throat when my back hits the stone wall. I’ve accidentally backed myself into a corner.
“I know you’re alone.” He moves directly in front of me, his disgusting odor gagging me as he lifts a nasty hand to my neck and squeezes. “A pretty girl, all alone and ripe for the taking. It’s been a while since I’ve found one of you up here.”
“It’s been a while since you’ve taken a bath.” The comment slips out before I think better of it.
My face flings to the side as the crack of his palm hitting my cheek echoes along the ridge. My eyes burn from the sting of it, but before I can do or say anything else, he begins to squeeze my neck.
I struggle against him, but he leans all the weight on one arm against my chest. His hips pin mine to the solid rock at my back. I cough and gag at the pressure around my neck as he runs his nose along my jawline. I’m on the verge of blacking out when Blue flies at his face, giving me just enough time to bring my knee up hard between his legs.
I dart past him as he doubles over, swearing at me, and I grab the walkie talkie, but dump my backpack. Fumbling with the buttons, I try to get the guys.
“Help!” I yell into the walkie talkie. “I’m being chased!”