Page 32 of The Hunt
Flipping the lock on the cabin door behind me, I collapse against the sturdy wood. Tears that I’ve been beating back sting my eyes and my breath hitches with a sob. Why, after four long years, did they come for me? I should be a blip on the horizon in their rearview mirror, not some weird obsession.
Blue flies from the beam onto my shoulder, rubbing their head against my cheek. I should eat something, but the thought of food makes my stomach churn right now. Not only are those three back in my life, but Lars is sick. With cancer.
Fuck cancer.
Fuck West.
Fuck Cody.
Fuck Blake.
If they think they can come kicking the door in on my life and fuck shit up they have another think coming. I’ve worked hard to get here. I’ve taken care of myself, through the hardest months of my life. Painful months with no one to lean on and doing something I never thought I’d have to do.
If I didn’t have to worry about Lars I’d send them packing right now. I can’t risk getting swept up with them again. My heart can’t take it and I doubt they’ll ever forgive me for what I did.
And Lars. He’s been a heavy smoker for as long as I’ve known him and likely his whole life. I force myself to loosen the muscles in my body, working from the toes up to my forehead. Worrying myself into a pretzel isn’t going to help me help Lars or figure out how to get rid of the guys.
As soon as I drop onto the couch, Ghost puts her head in my lap. I run my fingers through her fur absentmindedly as headlights cut a beam of light through the windows at the front of the cabin. At least I can breathe a little easier knowing they’re gone for now.
There’s enough of a chill in the cabin from the overcast day that I decide to make a small fire. Just as I get the first flame to catch, I hear a knock. Storm beats me to the door with a low warning growl for whoever is on the other side. I swing open the door with a scowl on my face, expecting one of the guys to have stayed behind, but instead it’s Mitch.
He holds up a bag of take out from the diner in town. “Thought you might be hungry.”
My stomach rumbles at the aroma of greasy fries and burgers wafting from the paper bag in his hands and I stand back, motioning him inside the cabin, I’ll never turn down a free meal. Storm and Ghost rub against his legs, their tails wagging. Since they go everywhere with me, they know and trust him.
“Why are you really here?” I ask as I pull out a chair and sit down at the table.
“So direct.” He sets the bag down and hands me my food.
“No one from town comes all the way out here unless they have a reason.”
“Maybe I just wanted to spend some time with you before I go out for the season.” He gives me his practiced grin. “And I brought fries.”
“The fries are the only reason I let you through the door.”
He smirks and takes a bite of his burger. We eat quietly for a few minutes, nothing but the sound of the fire crackling. I consciously avoid making eye contact with him. I have a feeling he’s going to push me for more than friendship.
He grabs a napkin and wipes his hands after he finishes. The weight of his gaze on me is heavy as he clears his throat. “Let me take you out this weekend.”
“Vi—” A loud knock on the door interrupts him.
There are only a few people this could be and none of the options are good. I stand and walk to the door, Mitch staying close behind me. A pit forms in my stomach as I meet the piercing green eyes belonging to the surly man at my door. West transforms from surly to downright angry when he sees Mitch over my shoulder.
“I need to use your internet.” He walks right past me, shoulder checking Mitch as he does so.
“Your cabin has internet,” I tell him with a sigh.
“Yeah, but it’s too slow for what I need to do. I’m on a deadline.” He looks at me. “What’s he doing here?”
“You’re interrupting our date.” Mitch drops his hand on my shoulder possessively.
Irritation rises up in me, but I’ll be damned if I argue with him in front of West. West’s eyes move back and forth between us, a smirk forming. He gives Mitch a dismissive scoff.
“Must be a shitty date if she ran that quick to the door knowing who was on the other side.”