Page 76 of Yummy Cowboy
“Well, that’s why I’m here,” Autumn said. “I mean, I came up here to deliver tea and sympathy, but I’ve got some actual good news for you, as well.”
Her head clouded with misery and emotional fatigue, Summer couldn’t imagine what kind of good news her sister could possibly offer her. “What?”
“I just heard from a food blogger friend of mine. Apparently, a well-known restaurant critic from a big national newspaper is planning to visit The Yummy Cowboy Diner later in the week, as part of an article they’re writing about the best restaurants in the Yellowstone area.” Autumn grinned at her. “This could be a huge break for The Yummy Cowboy Diner, especially once all those tourists come next year. And if you’d actually looked at your phone at any point in the past three hours, you’d have seen my messages.”
“I turned it off when I got home,” Summer confessed. “After what happened at the diner, I knew it would blow up with text messages and emails. I wasn’t ready to deal with the fallout.” She blew her nose again.
The strong, sweet tea was making her feel better. So was Autumn’s sympathy and apparent unwillingness to judge Summer on her screw-ups.
She finished the mug and blew her nose one last time. “Thanks, sis. I needed that.”
“And it looks like you needed to get a bunch of stuff out of your system.” Autumn looked her over with a critical eye.
Summer’s face was burning and her eyes were sore and itchy, which meant her face was probably red and blotchy and swollen. Crying always made her look like a swarm of angry bees had attacked her.
“So, are you ready to return to the diner tomorrow?” Autumn continued, her tone brisk now.
“What?” Summer couldn’t believe what her sister was asking.
“C’mon Summer. Isn’t this the big break you and Brock need? Especially after working so hard?”
Summer shook her head. “Yes, but… how can I face Brock now? How can I faceanyonein this town? I’m sure word’s already gotten out that I’m not the success they all thought I was. And if Brock’s smart, he’ll break up with me because I screwed up his big chance.”
“Are you in love with him?” Autumn demanded.
“Yes, but—” Summer began.
Autumn took her by the shoulders. “Thenhelphim. He needs you at the diner tomorrow morning, and every day that you’re here, to make sure that you wow theAmerica Todayfood critic when they show up.”
“But—” Summer tried again.
“No ‘buts,’” Autumn said firmly. “If you love him, put on your big girl panties and go clear the air. Don’t youdareghost him, not with an opportunity like this!”
Summer nodded.Maybe I can’t fix what I did, but I owe Brock the chance to make it on his own.Out loud, she said, “You’re right. I need to help him in any way that he’ll allow me to.”
“Good.” Autumn rose to her feet. “Go wash your face in some cold water, and I’ll give you some of my firming moisturizer.”
A half hour later, Summer stood on Brock’s porch. The sky overhead had darkened to cobalt blue and the first couple of stars had appeared, though a broad band of fiery red, orange, and gold still lingered over the mountains to the west.
She took a deep breath and went over her game plan.Start with a sincere apology and end with the good news. If I’m lucky, he won’t slam the door in my face before I get to the good news part.
She raised her hand to knock. But before her knuckles connected with the painted wood, he yanked the door open. “Thought I heard you drive up,” he growled, glaring at her.
Summer swallowed hard, resisting the urge to turn tail and run back to her car. “Brock, I’m so sorry—” she began.
He reached out, grabbed her upper arm, and hauled her inside his cottage. “Just shut up, Fancy Pants, and listen to what I have to say.”
Chapter Twenty-Five – Brock
Summer wasn’t answering her text messages. Or her phone.
Brock endured the rest of dinner, doing his best to be nice to the people who’d given him so much help today. But he couldn’t get over what he’d just witnessed.
How dare Kenny stir up shit like that! And how dare Abigail Snowberry blame Summer for something that sounded like it had been completely out of her control!
Summer’s tears and the utter despair on her face had absolutely gutted him. She’d always appeared so strong and confident. After hearing what had happened toherdream restaurant, he understood why she’d been so fierce about her ideas for improving his place.
Most of all, he wanted to take her in his arms and comfort her.