Page 113 of A Return For Ren
Shit. He wasn’t aware he was crying until the tear landed on the piece of paper in front of him.
“He knows how to get me even from the grave.” He handed over the letter and got up to go blow his nose in the kitchen.
When he returned his mother was crying. “I told you he had regrets, Ren. You have to know how hard this was for your father to write.”
“Yeah,” he said. “I wish it didn’t take him falling ill to take this step. I should have done it first.”
He had to be the better person than his father was. He’d made all these promises to himself to not be like the man who raised him. More so when he saw some signs of it.
Looking back, he knew now the regrets he’d had too.
His mother went into his arms. “No,” she said. “You and I both know, if you had, it wouldn’t have been received the same. There are times in life when something serious has to happen to make us see the truth. The timing of this sucks for everyone, but now you know the truth.”
“I do. Thank you for this. Why did you wait so long to show me?”
“Because you weren’t ready before. You are now.”
“I am,” he said. “I’m ready for so much more too.”
His mother laughed. “You’re given a second chance with Zara. I hope you make the best of it.”
“I plan on it,” he said.
Three Months Later
“Areyou ready for your birthday party, Max?” Zara asked, picking Max up out of his crib after his morning nap. “I’m so glad his birthday fell on a Saturday when you were here.”
Max was cooing and making all sorts of noises as Zara held him. He sure was a hefty baby.
The past three months of her life had been wonderful and so many things had been happening.
Poppy got married two months ago at the McGill estate. It was a beautiful ceremony and she was thrilled to have Ren on her arm for the occasion. It was the first time she’d seen him in a suit since the one time he’d had a tux on for their prom.
They’d had the night to themselves, as Tess had kept her grandson overnight.
The sale of the marina had finally gone through last month and Tess was now a retired woman looking forward to spending her time relaxing and traveling with friends.
Ren had seemed happier than ever even with packing up Max every two weeks and coming to stay with her. The past month, he’d only gone home for one week.
They were making it work and she was confident things were going in the right direction and at a good pace.
“I can’t believe he’s a year old,” Ren said when she brought him into the kitchen. “I try not to think about the fact I missed his birth.”
“Nothing you can do about it,” she said.
“No. But I’ll never miss the birth of my other children I hope to have.”
She smiled at him. “That’s a good thought to have. But let’s get the birthday boy ready for his party.”
Max’s first birthday was going to be held at Tess’s house. The weather was great and she was on the water. It seemed like a perfect way to celebrate. For Ren to want to build memories with his son at a home that he felt he didn’t leave with the best of them.
He was getting there, just like they were as a couple.
Two hours later, they were outside and finishing with the lunch that Ren had catered. Tess had wanted to cook and he’d told her no. He’d had it delivered so everyone could relax and enjoy the party.
They were surrounded by her parents and Tess, Lily, Zane, Willow, Poppy, Reese, Rose, Thomas, Colin, Dee, Cara and Laine. Family. What she always dreamed of in her life. There was no reason to have anyone else here.