Page 45 of A Return For Ren
They didn’t have far to go before they parked and got out. “It’s not that busy yet here. I’m sure it will be more so in an hour. This time of year there aren’t as many tourists around, but with Thanksgiving coming this week it will get busier I’m sure. I’m going to assume you are spending it with your mother?”
They walked to the door and he held it for her. “Yes. It’s the first Thanksgiving I’ve been home for since I left you.”
“Really?” she asked. “What have you done in the past?”
She held back saying how sad that was. He’d drawn the line in the sand and he stuck to it. She’d learned that the hard way.
Now they’d have to see if he stuck to being open about moving back if things went in another direction with the two of them.
“Most of the time I was alone,” he said. “The past few years I went to Colin and Dee’s if they were alone. Sometimes they’d have family come to town and I’d stay home even though they’d invite me. I didn’t want to be the outsider.”
“I can understand that. For years my parents have been going south for the winter, but they didn’t until Zane came back. They’d stay here for the holidays and go in January. But the past three years they went in November and stayed until April. It was hard for them to miss Willow for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but Zane flew there one year for Christmas. I did too.”
“What did you do with the daycare if you were gone?” he asked.
She grinned. “I’m allowed to take a vacation. The same as my staff. The week of Christmas I actually have fewer kids because a lot of people take vacation that week. The daycare ran with my staff. I don’t take a lot of time off, but know I need to to stay sane. I’m thinking you don’t take much time off and this is a lot for you.”
He laughed, not a happy sound. They placed their orders when the waitress came over. “I didn’t take much time for years and I work a lot of hours. All sorts of hours. I’ve never cared. I never had much of a life. When Max was dropped off I had to take time off to get life situated. I took a month of Family Medical Leave, but I checked in and worked a bit on projects when I could or had help.”
“You needed that time to get your house ready and to bond with Max,” she said.
“I did. He wasn’t sleeping much. I couldn’t get a lot done. I told you that. I had him in a carrier in front of me when he was awake. I was ready to go back to work though. I know that sounds horrible to my own ears to say it.”
She reached her hand over. “It’s not horrible. Not everyone is meant to be a stay-at-home parent. You needed the time and took it. Just like you needed these two weeks for your mother. It sounds like you’ve got great employers.”
“I do,” he said. “And I’m back to work on Monday. I’ll drop Max off before eight and get him around five.”
“Something tells me you are working long before eight in the morning,” she said.
“I’m up around five. Max gets up around six. This lets me shower and eat, do a few things for work before then. Then I get him ready and get out of the door before he can settle into thinking he’s staying home with me.”
“Which he’d love to do,” she said.
“He would. Or so I thought. I’m not so positive now. He has a lot more fun with you.”
“Not me,” she said. “With the other kids. I’m sure he does with Dee too.”
“I think so, but he doesn’t get as much interaction like he does at your place.”
“I think Max is very adaptable and that is a good trait to have. I know you’re worried about him and that is completely normal. But I can tell you right now, he’s a good baby. He’s ahappybaby. That’s important so you’re doing something right.”
“Thanks,” he said. “It’s good to hear that.”
She turned her head to see Rose waving to her with her boyfriend, Thomas, next to her. “Hi, Rose. Thomas. Funny meeting you both here.”
“Yes, it is,” Rose said, grinning at her. “Going to introduce me?”
Rose turned and looked at Ren, the smile gone from her face. “Rose Bloom and Thomas Klein, this is Ren Whitney. Not sure if Ren and Rose remember each other or not. Thomas didn’t go to school with us.”
“Nice to see you again,” Rose said. “Imagine my shock when I noticed you here and not alone.”
Zara grinned and winked. “Guess I haven’t caught you up.”
“No,” Rose said. “Is this something I need to keep to myself?”
She sighed. She knew if she said no, Rose would mention it to Lily who would say something to Zane. She should head them off.