Page 64 of A Return For Ren
She filled her mother in on everything that had happened in the past two weeks. From the first time Ren showed up with Max and why, to the date they had on Tuesday when she cooked him dinner because he’d been late to get his son. She kept out the sex part. Some things she wasn’t sharing.
“As you can tell it’s been a busy two weeks in my life. Almost three at this point.”
“I’m not sure what to say,” her mother said. “I’m not surprised you are giving him another chance and have to wonder if it’s because you feel sorry for the situation he is in or not.”
“I do feel bad for his situation, but that has nothing to do with it. We’ve talked a lot. I know why he did what he had. I also know that he didn’t have to bring his son to my daycare for the three months he is here. Nor does he have to stay three months. He could have figured something else out but didn’t.”
“Do you think he came back for you too?” her mother asked.
“He has said as much. He’s sorry for what he did. He knows it. He wants to start over. We are. Or I’m trying to.”
“He has a ton of baggage,” her mother said. “How can he not?”
“We all have baggage in our lives, Mom.”
“Not like this. You two have baggage from your breakup and add what happened in his life in the past six months and it’s a lot. Are you sure you are ready to take that on?”
“I understand you are concerned. Zane is too. I appreciate it. But I’ve got it handled. I really do. We are in a good spot.”
“It’s been a few weeks, Zara. You know we worry because you’re so forgiving.”
“I am, but I’m not stupid. I’m not naive. He told me he’d be willing to move back. The reason he left is gone. I know it. And before you say anything about that statement, I don’t care what the reason is that he is willing to come back, I only know that he is. It’s an option if we can make it work. If it doesn’t work, it won’t be because he doesn’t want to live here and I won’t leave.”
There was silence on the other end. “I worry about you, Zara.”
“You will always worry about me and Zane and Willow. Now you’ve got Lily on the list. I understand that. I can handle it.”
“I know you can. Or you’ll let everyone see that on the outside. But on the inside is what I’m worried about. Your father will be too.”
“Tell Dad what I told you. I don’t want you two worried. Nor do I want Dad hunting Ren down. You know how he was back then. When you come home for Christmas you can see him again and we can all be civil and move past things.”
“If you’re still together,” her mother said.
“We will be. Trust me.”
Pretty Tough
Two weeks later Ren dropped Max off at daycare right when they opened at seven. “You’re early today,” Zara said.
“Is that a problem?” he asked, looking around and only seeing one other worker.
“No,” she said. “My staff come in between seven and eight. Depends on the room they are in. I know the schedules of when the kids come to accommodate for the staffing coverage.”
“Oh,” he said. “And I’m normally here later than this?” He hadn’t thought of any of that and should have realized. He’d been dropping Max off closer to seven thirty and Caroline was in to get Max most of the time and he didn’t see her yet.
“It’s fine, Ren,” she said. “Come here, Max. Did you get Daddy up earlier than normal this morning?”
“No,” he said. “I need to get home to get on a call by eight and then I’m going to run to the marina to meet with my mother and check out a few things that are being done.”
“So you’ll see Zane?” she asked quietly. The two of them had moved over to the side. As far as he knew no one at the daycare was aware that the two of them were dating.
“Maybe,” he said. “The marina is a big place, but I do want to see a few things that he’s done.”
He figured it’d be smart to get this meeting done and over with now.
Things were going well with him and Zara. Better than well.