Page 83 of A Return For Ren
“I had this problem with your brother and Willow. I’ve always been the mother in the family with my sisters. I had ideas and thoughts and things I wouldn’t have minded saying to Zane, but I told myself to not push it.”
“It worked out fine,” she said.
“It did. Remember that. Ren and Zane are a lot alike when it comes to fatherhood and how it changed their lives. How they are with their kids. I can see it and I’m sure you can too.”
“I can,” she said. She should have figured Lily would have caught onto that.
“That should help you with things. You’ve been down this road before. It looks as if things are going well?”
“They are,” she said. “Only five more weeks before he goes back home.”
Lily reached her hand out and rubbed it on her shoulder. “Don’t do that. Don’t count down for the negative to happen. Where did the positive person you always were go?”
Zara forced a smile. “She’s still here and putting on one hell of a show.”
“Don’t put a show on for anyone,” Lily said. “This is your life. Take the wheel in your hands. It seems to me he did that. Or is.”
“How so?” she asked.
“He’s here, isn’t he? He could have stayed a month and gone home, but he didn’t. You have to ask yourself—why?”
“He wants his mother to have time with Max. They go there a few times a week after work and sometimes on the weekend too.”
“Which he should do,” Lily said. “But you know as well as I do he’s here for you too.”
“For me to help with Max or for him?”
“Oh,” Lily said. “I hadn’t realized you felt that way. Do you think Zane felt that way about me?”
“No,” she said. “But Willow was older and he was doing it on his own longer.”
“And Ren seems to have a better handle on things than he did months ago. You said he has friends that have helped. The ones you met last week?”
“Yes,” she said, grinning.
“And what did you think of them?”
“I liked Dee. She treats Ren like a brother. She helps him a lot and watches Max.”
“So let me ask you again. Do you think Ren wants you for Max or for him?”
“I think the truth lies in the middle. More for him, but partially for Max.”
“You’re the one that has to live with that answer if it’s the truth,” Lily said. “But you won’t know unless you ask.”
“I’m nowhere near asking something like that.”
“Then enjoy the holiday and the next few weeks and let things fall where they may. Like the sister-in-law I know and love.”
“Good advice,” she said, bringing the mashed banana out to see if she could feed it to Max.
She started to wonder who she’d miss more when Ren returned home. Max or his father and that was what scared her the most and was making her doubt everything.
Behind Them
“Isurvived two family get-togethers in one week with you and I haven’t lost any blood or broken a bone. I haven’t been threatened either.”