Page 23 of Her Dirty Cowboys
I smiled again. Why did it suddenly feel like my birthday and Christmas and Valentine’s Day all at once? Was I dreaming? Was this really happening?
“Yes,” I said, the only answer my lips would form. “I think we should try it. I mean… what could it hurt?”
“Exactly.” Cole nodded enthusiastically. “We can at least give it a try. Like you said, what’s the worst that can happen?”
It honestly felt like we’d already been through the worst that could happen over the past few days. All three of us.
So yeah, we might as well try and have a little fun.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t still a little nervous, but that was normal, right? Because this?
This might be great. It might be perfect. It might be just what we need.
* * *
I was full and sleepy from all of the amazing food as I walked back to the big truck with my two guys.
My guys.
I liked the way that sounded almost as much as I liked the feeling that was bubbling up inside me from having both of my guys by my side.
“You’re sure you need to leave so soon?” Cole asked, giving me the most adorable puppy dog eyes I’d ever seen. “It feels like you just got here.”
I laughed as we stopped and stood next to the driver’s side door. “I’ve been here for three hours. The girls will probably send out a search party if I stay too much longer.”
“And you’re sure you’re ready to drive that beast back to the ranch?” Prescott asked, frowning as he looked from me to the truck. “I really don’t mind giving you a ride.”
I shook my head. “I appreciate it, but I’ll be fine. It really wasn’tthatbad on the way over here.”
Which… wasn’t alie, exactly. It wasn’t like I’d felt unsafe or scared. Just that I hadn’t been prepared for the rough-and-tumble ride. But now I was more prepared. And while I was grateful for the offer, I didn’t want anyone going out of their way for me today.
Especially not after the way they’d just spent the past few hours catering to me and waiting on me like I was some kind of princess.
Nowthatwas something I wouldn’t mind a little more of from time to time. Finding one man to treat me like that would have been rare enough. But two?
Pure heaven.
“If you’re sure…” Prescott said, still not looking totally convinced. “But at least give one of us a call when you get back to the ranch. Maybe we can make some plans for tomorrow if you don’t have anything else going on.”
“Or you can call both of us when you get there,” Cole added with a wink. He stepped in a little closer until his face was just inches from mine, then whispered, “Only if you want to, though.”
I felt a shiver of anticipation run through my body as his lips brushed against mine. Oh, God. This.Thiswas what I’d been waiting and hoping for all afternoon.
My mouth opened to him, and I couldn’t stop a little moan of pleasure escaping as I felt another pair of lips at the base of my neck, teasing and nipping playfully as he planted a trail of kisses up and along my jaw.
Cole pulled back and started kissing down the other side of my cheek as Prescott took his place. I could feel their hands on me—so many hands moving up and down my arms and my back, then teasing at the hem of my shirt. It was all too much but still not enough at the same time.
My legs started to get weak as little waves of pleasure rippled through me, but I didn’t worry about falling. Those strong hands held me in place as their mouths took turns claiming my lips, my cheeks, my neck.
I was panting and moaning and it took a few seconds for my eyes to focus when they both finally pulled back at the same time.
“Oh, my God,” I said, still holding onto both of them tightly as I regained my senses. “That was…”
“So good,” Cole finished for me, grinning as he helped me stand on my own. “So, so good.”
“It was perfect,” Prescott added, his voice deeper and more gravelly than usual. “You’reperfect, Daisy Lynn.”