Page 27 of Masters and Secrets
“I repeat, I have no fetishes,” she maintained.
“So, are the Pittsburgh Pirates your favorite baseball team?” he asked.
“Chicago Cubs,” she answered flatly.
“Tampa Bay Buccaneers?” he tried again, laughing at himself.
“Chicago Bears.”
“Do you dress up as a pirate chick every Halloween?” he continued.
“Witch, vampire…sometimes a Viking girl.”
“Have you been to the Pirate Museum in Florida?”
“How about the one in Salem, Massachusetts?”
“Nope,” said Alexis. What was it with these guys and pirates?
“Do you have pictures of Jack Sparrow plastered all over your bedroom walls?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” she quipped.
“As a matter of fact, I would like to know what you have in your bedroom, Dr. Thomas.” He ceased his jesting.
“When pigs fly.”
“I have asked you out a dozen times, Alexis.” Rod’s face was sincere.
“You can try a dozen more,” she scoffed. “The answer will still be no, to both of you.”
“Because you are afraid of us,” Zane insisted. Both men’s eyes burned into her.
“Because you know we’re Doms,” Rod added.
“I have no idea what a ‘Dumb’ is,” she claimed, intentionally mispronouncing the word.
Rod’s nostrils flared with irritation.
“Let’s take this somewhere more private,” Zane said. It was not a request. It was a command. He tucked the unopened bottle of tequila into his breast pocket.
Alexis hesitated.
“Come!” Rod barked. Something primitive sparked within her.
Alexis’s pocket vibrated. It was a text from Valentina: I’m safe. Don’t wait up.
That didn’t take long,Alexis thought.
She hit the reply button: Safe too. Text Serena plz. C u in the morning.
“I know somewhere that will be right up your alley,” Rod said. “Let’s go.”
* * *