Page 31 of Masters and Secrets
Alexis unbuttoned and unzipped her white leather mini-skirt and skidded it awkwardly down over her hips.
Zane and Rod inhaled sharply. So did the server.
“You may speak,” Rod said to the other woman.
“Lovely,” she replied. Alexis supposed she meant the pale blue lace panties she wore, not her curvaceous figure.
“Her body is splendid,” Rod agreed as Alexis shimmied the skirt down past her ankles and passed it to him.
The skirt went up to another hook and nestled in next to the shirt.
“Beyond splendid,” the serving wench complimented her. “Superb.”
Alexis was wearing nothing now but her lacy, sapphire panties and white stockings held up by a blue ribbon garter belt.
And very sexy thigh-high boots.
“Leave us, wench,” Zane told the woman, and she vanished.
Alexis looked at the tray of food she’d brought. It looked like a Caribbean feast, piled high with exotic, aphrodisiacal fruits: cherries, apricots, bananas, papayas, intact fig fruits and even a bowl of peaches with cream. A small cruet of honey finished off the first course.
Rod reached covertly under the table and Alexis heard a click.
Suddenly, the table swiveled toward them. Rodriguez pressed on the edge with a flat palm, and the whole table tilted to a 45-degree angle. Alexis realized that rather than an eating table, it was now a doctor’s examination table.
A table for fucking. Oh, God. What had she gotten herself into?
“Lie down, woman,” Zane directed.
Despite the warning bells in her head, Alexis followed his instructions.
Another clicking sound and he adjusted the table to a better angle so she wouldn’t slide off; he retrieved a previously hidden black leather belt with silver studs and buckled her on tightly. The backs of his hands brushed the underside of her breasts as light as a feather as he fastened the restraint across her ribs.
“Silencio,” he simmered.
Alexis choked. “Zane?”
“Now you must be punished for speaking, Alexis.”
Alexis fell silent. She knew she’d broken the rules.
Rodriguez took a banana from the artful fruit plate and peeled it slowly. His fierce eyes locked with hers, but she looked away quickly and submissively, as she had agreed.
Her hand trembled as he gave the phallic fruit to her. Their fingers brushed lightly.
“Blow it,” he instructed.
Alexis primly blew a stream of air on the fruit.
“Very clever,” he said and laughed.
She batted her eyelids innocently but didn’t look up at him. A mischievous smile curved her lips.
“Suck it off,” he commanded.
Alexis sucked the tip of the banana so hard that it broke off in her mouth.