Page 40 of Masters and Secrets
“You may call me Doctor Rodriguez, if you wish,” he said mildly.
“If you went to Johns Hopkins,” she asked, “and you both have Doctoral degrees in pharmacology, then why aren’t you finding the cure for cancer? Or leukemia? Or HIV?”
“I invented Viagra,” he deadpanned.
“No, you didn’t,” she laughed. “You’re old, but not that old. Viagra’s been on the market since 1998. You weren’t even out of high school yet.”
“Alright, you caught me.” He laughed. “But I worked at Pfizer with the guys who did. Andrew Bell, David Brown, and Nicholas Terrett.”
“That’s your big claim to fame?”
“We are currently working on developing new drugs to treat post-menopausal diminished libido,” he boasted.
“Female Viagra?”
“Something like that,” he replied.
“So, you have to give your women Viagra to make them amorous for you?” she scoffed.
“All we had to do was look at you to make you ready for us,” he countered.
Ouch. Touché.
Alexis simmered.
How did he keep getting the best of her at every turn?
“So, you’re not really a pharmaceutical representative?” she asked as the realization hit her.
“Uh...nope…” he answered. “Not really.”
“Then what are you and Zane doing at the hospital four days a week, peddling drugs for Pfizer all over my emergency room?” she demanded.
“We’re finding excuses to be near you,” he disclosed without an ounce of hesitation.
“Yes, you,” he admitted confidently.
That was either the creepiest or most romantic thing anyone had ever said to her.
“We’re volunteering, officially.”
“You guys have been volunteering four days a week for three months just to see me?” she asked, unbelieving. “On top of your normal job.”
“Yes,” he stated simply.
She couldn’t help but smile.
“I don’t actually work for Pfizer anymore, either,” he continued. “I work for the American Medical Association. My office is in the Langham building, over at AMA Plaza where the Langham Hotel is.”
She took a moment to digest the information.
“Zane and I had a meeting at the hospital three months ago,” he confessed. “We saw you and were instantly smitten.”
Alexis smiled again. She had noticed them that day, too.I can’t believe I’m interested in two men, at the same time.
“I knew you were a submissive the minute I laid eyes on you,” he went on.