Page 45 of Masters and Secrets
More tears. Maybe they were tears of joy that she had once and for all found not one but two people who understood and appreciated her proclivities, but whatever the reason, more tears flooded her eyes and streamed down her face.
“You’re a real lightweight, Thomas, if that’s all you can take.” He released her. Tenderly, Zane gathered her up in his arms and rocked her like a baby as she sobbed into his chest. “Although I’ll grant that you’ve already had a good thrashing today.”
Obediently, she remained mute.
“You may speak.”
“It’s just...I’m so glad that—” she blubbered, her head resting above Zane’s heart.
She felt Rod step close behind her, and he kissed the back of her head with such tenderness it made more tears spring to her eyes. Just like in the club, she was sandwiched between the two men, only this time there was nowhere else she’d rather be.
“I know,” Rod said. “We feel it, too.”
He handed her the wadded-up, monogrammed handkerchief that he had used to gag her with at the restaurant. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. Ever the gentleman, he took it back soiled and stuffed it in his pocket.
Rod scooped Alexis up and carried her in his arms like a child to the bed. He laid her down gently. She kicked her skirt off her ankles and removed her shirt unbidden.
“Just this once, I’ll let that pass,” he admonished her, doffing his sport coat and hanging it from a hook on the bedpost. His dress shirt quickly followed suit.
Alexis stared at his gorgeous body.
“Take off your bra,” Zane directed.
She obeyed, now completely naked except her boots, stockings and garter belt. He took her brassiere and used it to lash her wrists tightly together.
“Roll over,” he demanded.
She did.
He fumbled in his suitcoat for his tie and used it to bind her wrists to the headboard.
“Spread your legs.”
Face down, she surrendered.
The two men stood for a long time and just stared at her. Alexis started to squirm as the minutes ticked by agonizingly slowly. The feeling of the silk coverlet on her mons pubis was heavenly. She tilted her hips into it.
“Hold still, woman.”
With every ounce of willpower, she held herself immobile. She heard one of them cross the room and open the drawers of the chiffonier again. She couldn’t help but press herself against the mattress, just a little bit. It felt so good and she felt so naughty lying face down, spread-eagle with her two masters staring at her sex. She tilted herself against the mattress just a tiny bit more.
“Don’t make me get you a chastity belt, young lady,” Zane chastised. “No pleasuring yourself. Only if I order it.”
She concurred without a sound.
“And believe me, I will.” His voice grew husky. “Watching you fuck yourself is on our to-do list.”
“...But we’re going to savor your pussy first.”
Rod returned and got on the bed quickly between her legs. He tied each of her booted legs to the bedposts with real chains. She heard the padlocks snap into place, and he put the keys on the side table. Then, with one hand, he cupped her skull and unexpectedly pressed her face down into the mattress. She turned her head to breathe. She felt like a naughty, dirty, nasty whore when he held her head down.
It was beautiful.
Damn, he was good.
One of them started licking her outer folds, gently and with a sense of deference that made her guess it was Zane. She bit her lip to stifle her moan as he delved inside and hit her nub that hadn’t stopped throbbing with desire since the moment she met them in the club that evening. She kicked and squirmed pitifully against her restraints as climax approached far too quickly…and then he stopped. For a moment everything was still and silent, and it was almost more torturous than when she was trying not to scream in pleasure.