Page 61 of Masters and Secrets
Miles seized the moment and rammed his giant cock into her welcoming pussy. The sides of her sex were hot and slick, her internal muscles squeezing and contracting as her climax continued.
She was just about to cry out as the orgasm overwhelmed her, when Caleb saved her by coming into her upside-down vision and placing his cock in her mouth.
“You know what to do,” he said, and she most certainly did. She got to work, sucking and licking Caleb as best she could in her position, while his partner continued to fuck her without remorse. Caleb came quickly, obviously on a knife-edge from their earlier play, just as she had been. She swallowed every drop of his seed, expertly managing not to choke despite her head hanging upside-down.Amateur, yeah, right,she thought with a wicked grin.
Miles continued to batter her long and hard, until he found his own release. He bellowed as he came, his glorious body shuddering until he was spent.
“Fuck me,” he exclaimed as he collapsed upon her.
“I think I just did,” she said, laughing.
An alarm started sounding from one of the guys’ jackets, and Caleb sauntered over to check it.
“Time’s up. That’s our hour.”
Serena pouted with disappointment as the men donned white robes and began to untie her.
“We’ll leave you here to get dressed and freshen up,” Miles said, his voice no longer hoarse with lust. “We aren’t going to pressure you, so just think about whether you’d like to make our little ‘deal’ permanent.”
Serena nodded, not wanting to speak now that she was able to. She rubbed her wrists as they were released from their bonds.
“If you do decide to opt for the free membership instead, we’ll honor it, of course,” Caleb continued. “But you will have to pay a surcharge for Miles’s jokes.”
Serena laughed and rolled her eyes at the pair as they left her alone in the luxurious play space.
* * *
Serena hummed happily to herself the next morning as she opened the doors to the beauty salon where she worked her second job near the Lincoln Park Zoo. She had back-to-back Swedish deep-tissue massage clients at nine and ten o’clock respectively. After that, she had manicure and pedicure appointments stacked one atop the other from eleven a.m. until twelve thirty. Hopefully, they would all be good tippers, she prayed. She had bills to pay.
Thoughts of Miles and Caleb would not leave her head. While she respected their decision to give her time to consider her options, she really didn’t need it. She’d have signed her life away to them last night without a second thought. She only hoped that gallantry was their only motivation for letting her leave; what if they no longer wanted her to be their sub? What if she hadn’t performed as well as they’d expected?
Serena gave herself a mental slap. Not once in her whole life had she been insecure about a man, and she wasn’t about to start now. If they didn’t want her anymore, then she’d just go back to her old ways as a Domme, although the idea seemed stale and hollow to her now.
After her shift at the salon, she’d have to hustle to make it another of her part-time jobs as a waitress at the Wild West Club, a cowboy themed bar near Wrigley Field, by one o’clock. It was only a fifteen-minute bus ride, but the bus only came every ten minutes, so she was cutting it close, especially since she needed time to change into her cowgirl server uniform.
Serena would wait tables at Wild West Club all afternoon, hopefully making decent tips for ‘Taco and Tequila Tuesday.’ Tacos were only one dollar, and Tecate beer was on special along with tequila shots. Normally, the long afternoon shift was the slowest time in the restaurant business, and many places were even closed during that time, but Serena was hopeful the daily specials at the new bar would grab customers’ attention.
She would have to skip her volunteer committee meeting at the Historical Society, she thought with a sigh. She’d wanted to be a historian, so her volunteer position on the committee was one source of joy that still linked her to the innocent and hope-filled dreams of her youth before the economic realities of life had set in.
She’d learned about the volunteer opportunity while working her weekend shift as a housekeeper at the Chicago History Museum in the Old Town Triangle neighborhood. Valentina and Alexis thought she spent her weekends coordinating fundraising activities for billionaire donors when, truthfully, she was actually scrubbing the toilets for them.
“What are you smiling about?” asked the salon’s owner, Sally. “Did you have a nice night last night?”
“Indeed,” Serena said enigmatically with a grin.
“Did you meet a new gentleman?” Ms. Hansen asked.
“Yes.” Serena grinned from ear to ear.
“I know you’re not one to kiss and tell,” Sally said.
All Serena could do was smile.
Having pushed aside silly thoughts of the men not really wanting her, she was walking on air the rest of the day.
* * *
That evening, Serena rushed out of a taxi into the rear employee entrance to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. It was nearly five o’clock and she was almost late for her shift as a cocktail waitress at Bernard’s Bar, the hotel’s cocktail lounge inspired by Coco Chanel. She would be working there until midnight.