Page 69 of Masters and Secrets
She gestured toward the three of us, and we all took turns saying hello. Even though this guy was a complete stranger, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy. The look of sadness that crossed his face when he had walked into the room mirrored the same feelings I’d had.
It was just as hard for him to be here as it was for any of us.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” he said. “I’m Tom—Tommy, is what Annie liked to call me—and I’m sorry for intruding. I just… when I saw the address come in with a pizza order, I… I had to be the one to come out here. I had to know who it was.” He sucked in a ragged breath. “I know it sounds dumb, but a part of me was hoping that…”
“That it would be her,” I finished, when his voice trailed off. “It doesn’t sound dumb at all. I’ve been feeling the same thing all night.”
“Thank you,” he said. “I’m glad you understand. I just miss her so much. We all do—the other guys, I mean. She was always so outgoing and caring, so full of life. I’m just honored that I got to be a small part of it.” He huffed out a short breath and gave a smile that wouldn’t have fooled anyone. This man was hurting. “Thank you again. I should probably get back to work.”
With a round of hugs and a few tears spilled between the five of us, we waved goodbye to Tommy. Only once he was gone and the door was closed again did we all seem to realize what had just happened.
“Can you believe that?” Kendall was the first one to break the silence. “What are the chances that we would havemetone of the guys?”
“I guess there really is no question about it now, though, is there?” Marley asked.
“No,” I shook my head. “No question at all.”
But I still had lots of questions.
Tons of questions.
Like… how had it all come about? How had Annie convinced five different guys to be with her at the same time, to put aside all that stereotypical masculine pride and jealousy and whatever?
How had she started aharem?
“We all need to be more like Annie,” Harper said, finally. “More adventurous. Maybe not with a harem of men, but I think we could all grab life by the horns a little more, you know?”
“Yeah,” I nodded, my mind still racing. “We really should.”
It felt like a whole new world had opened up to me. Before tonight, it had never occurred to me that such a thing might even be possible.
But now?
After seeing the proof with my own eyes? And after knowing that Annie wasn’t some kind of exotic princess, but just a normal woman like me, like the rest of us?
I couldn’t stop my mind from wondering how it all might feel.
* * *