Page 33 of Honor-Bound SEAL
“Everyone deserves one,” she said, a simple truth which brought a nod from Ridge.
“I’m hard on Hank... too hard... but I wanted to just kill that coward who hit Mom. You know?”
She kissed his shoulder through his t-shirt. “Yes. I think I know, Ridge.”
“You’ve done so much to protect him, and you’re right. He deserves a second chance.” Ridge straightened, but gently, as not to break their tender connection. For the first time since sitting down, he turned to face her, this pale and beautiful girl, her eyes close to tears but her smile telling him what he needed:I forgive you.
The shower water stopped with a metallic clang, and Ridge felt, just for a second, like he’d been caught in some illicit act. The feeling passed and instead, before he could look up again, there was the wonderful surprise of Raven’s soft, warm lips pressing gently to his own. For a delicious, blurred moment he existed only within the scent of her skin, the brush of her soft hair against his cheek, the tender play of her lips on his. Her tongue slipped between them, fleetingly, and then, all at once, her fingertip was to his mouth.
Raven whispered before rising, her lips grazing his ear, “Later.”
“Well,that’s just really thoughtless, Cheryl.” The phone call had interrupted their stir-fry takeout, a surprisingly relaxed meal around the dining table; to Ridge’s mounting frustration, it sounded as though the indomitable baker needed some help. “I can be there in twenty, just let me get ready,” she affirmed, and rang off. “Cheryl’s got a big catering job to prepare tonight, and her help just up and canceled.”
Ridge dropped his chopsticks. “I’ll come with you.”
“No need,” she said, pulling on her boots. “Anyway, I want you to look after Hank.”
“I want to keepeveryoneclose by tonight,” he objected.And one of you much, much closer than the other.
“I’m just going to be in Pendale,” Raven laughed lightly, “not on the moon. Should be done by twenty-two thirty hours,” she joked, and before Ridge could protest further, she had kissed them both on the cheek and was out the door.
Hank gave a sneer at his sister’s departure.
“Don’t push it, buddy,” Ridge warned, clearing their dishes as Hank sprang up to help. “You’re on probation.”
“How long until...”
“Forty minutes,” Ridge answered, pre-empting the question Hank had asked six times in the last two hours. “And relax. The man’s an outstanding professional.”
Hank took his place on the sofa. “Speaking of professional, what do youdo, now that you’re out of the Army?”
“Navy,” Ridge promptly corrected. “And I’ve been mostly repairing the house and getting myself back in shape.”
“I mean, for a job?”
“I’m not sure yet,” he answered honestly. “I’ve had different offers to work in security,” he said with a meaningful glance, “and to invest in construction... a few other things.”
“Secret-type things?” Hank asked, and filled the resulting silence by whistling theX-Filestheme.
“Shut it. I’ll do whatever seems right at the time. I’m more interested in whatyou’regoing to do.”
“Stay out of jail,” he said, toasting the idea with his water glass.
“Surely you’ve had bigger thoughts than that?” Ridge wanted to know.
“Nope. I’m keeping things simple. Actually,” he said, raising a finger, “you should know that this is a big advancement in my career planning process. Until yesterday, my personal vision revolved around not getting dead.”
“Congratulations on the promotion,” Ridge said tolerantly, raising his own glass. “But seriously, you know the best ways to get out of a slump?”
“Do tell.”
Ridge scooted forward and launched into one of his favorite subjects. “What do you know about fitness?”
“Detective Corbett Lindstrom,I want you to meet Mr. Hank Samuelson.” Ridge almost added,drug mule to the stars, but decided against it. “You two are gonna take a little ride.”
“We’re not going to talk here?” asked Hank in a flurry of panic. “Where are you gonna take me?”
“For the thousandthfuckingtime, will yourelax. Corbett’s gonna ask you a bunch of questions and I don’t really want to hear all about your... checkered past.”