Page 19 of Duty-Bound SEAL
Wes took a minute to flip the burgers, and by the time he turned around to tell her the rest of the story, Maggie was coming out the sliding glass doors with Miss Naomi in tow.
“Hey, everyone, this is Naomi Ward,” Maggie told them.
Raven smiled and said, “Hi, I’m Raven. It’s nice to meet you.”
The men began introducing themselves one at a time.
Ridge stepped forward. “Ridge Dawson, Raven’s boyfriend.”
Wes wiped his hands on his apron and said, “Wes, Maggie’s boyfriend and father of the super-baby that she’s carrying.”
“I heard about that,” Naomi said, smiling. “Congratulations.”
Next was Flynn’s turn. He held out his hand and said his name, but he said it so fast that it was unintelligible.
“I’m sorry,” Naomi said sweetly. “I didn’t catch that?”
“Flynn,” he repeated, slower.
Raven could see the sweat forming on his brow. It was going to be interesting when Corbett got there. She bet Naomi’d be able to smell the testosterone. As a matter of fact, she thought there was a whiff of it already in the air, beginning when Naomi had walked in..
“So, what did Mitch get punched in the face for?” she asked.
“Oh!” Wes said, remembering his story. “Well, he and his lady, I think her name is… What the hell is her name, Flynn?”
Flynn was staring at Naomi, not listening.
“Earth to Flynn,” Wes said.
Realizing everyone was looking at him, Flynn blushed bright red before saying, “What?”
“What’s the name of Mitch’s girlfriend? I mean ex-girlfriend. She broke up with him after she punched him, right?”
“She broke up with him?” Raven said with a laugh. “Was Mitch going to stay with her after that?”
“Her name is Rochelle, and yes. Mitch is all gaga in love with her. Moron doesn’t even get why she punched him.”
“So why did she?” Raven asked again. Getting a story out of a Texas boy was sometimes like pulling teeth.
“Well, she and Mitch were at the bar last week, and Jake came in with some of the guys from the firehouse. Mitch was the only one in the place that didn’t notice his girl was making eyes at Jake all night. It was even making Jake uncomfortable. Mitch had drunk maybe three too many beers, so he wasn’t firing on all cylinders. Rochelle was hanging on the bar next to where Jake was sitting, trying to get him to notice that she was bursting out the top of her blouse, and Mitch walked up. He went to reach for the bowl of nuts and said, right as Jake—”
“Oh dear God!” Raven interrupted, exasperated. “What did he say, for crying out loud?”
“He bumped one of her boobs with the bowl and said, ‘I always wondered what they made bouncy balls out of. It must be silicone.’ As the boys started snickering, Rochelle looked at him and said, ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’”
“Oh goodness, he actually said that?” Raven asked, picturing it.
“He didn’t just say it. He kind of flicked her other boob and added, ‘See, them bouncy balls bounce just like that. I’ll bet they’re made of the same material.’”
“I may have killed him,” Raven said.
Wes was laughing. “She didn’t hold back on the punch. Jake said he’s seen MMA fighters that don’t pack that much power in their fist. She hauled off and slugged him, and he went down.”
“She punched him out?”
“Nah, the beers took him out; all he needed was a nudge.” Wes was still cracking up when Raven noticed Maggie bringing things out from the house and went to help. Naomi helped too.
When they went back in to get the condiments for the burgers, the women heard the sudden roar of a loud bike out front. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang.