Page 47 of Duty-Bound SEAL
“Thank you, Matt. I need one more thing from you, okay? Stay away from this man and his room. The police will be there shortly. Let them do their job, got it?”
“Yes, sir.”
Gomez hung up and called the Stockdale Police Department. Then he looked at Raven and said, “I think they found the blond man you gave the description of. Would you mind riding along with me and maybe giving me a nod if this is the man who was with the guy who tried to kill your boyfriend today?”
“Sure,” she said, standing up off the couch.
Corbett stood too.
Gomez instantly raised his hand. “Where are you going?”
At that moment, Jake Hillman and another firefighter came through with a covered stretcher. They all watched as the firefighters wheeled out the man Corbett had killed.
Corbett looked back at Gomez and said, “I gave up my weapon. I just want to go find out why I had to shoot this guy.”
“No, you’re done for the night. Go home.”
“But sir—”
“Home, Corbett. I don’t want to see your face again until tomorrow.”
Ridge came out of the back room and wrapped Raven in a big hug. “You okay?” he asked her.
Raven laughed. “You’re the one who almost got killed today. I’m fine. I’m going back to Stockdale with Agent Gomez for a bit, though. They may have found this guy’s partner.”
Ridge looked at Gomez. “Are they done with me here?”
“You can come too,” Gomez permitted with a sigh. “Let’s go.”
“Can I take my own car?” Ridge asked.
Gomez rolled his eyes and nodded.
“He gets to go, but I have to stay home?” Corbett complained, following them out. Then he laughed and said, “Don’t bother answering that, sir. I just heard what that sounded like in my head.”
It had really been a long damn day.
San Antonio, Texas
That Night
The officeroutside of Samuel Dillon’s house ate his sandwich, drank his coffee, and listened to his favorite jazz CD. This wasn’t a bad gig. Kind of tedious, but not too bad. After the director of the DEA left yesterday, there hadn’t been much movement in or out of the house, except for the two guys that delivered food. The guy in there must be really bored. Did they have him on house arrest?
He leaned in to take another bite of his sandwich, and he was knocked out so quickly, he never felt the tire iron to the back of his head.
The big, dirty guy who’d knocked the officer out cold reached in and took the rest of the sandwich out of his hand. He took a bite. “Not bad,” he told his partner.
“Let’s just do this, man, before someone checks on him.”
Mick wasn’t impressed. The skinny guy Ayden had sent with him was too squeamish to be of any use. They were meant to retrieve Ayden’s cocaine... at any cost. But Mick wasn’t sure his partner had it in him to finish the job.
They walked up to the front door and knocked.
“Who is it?” came a man’s voice from inside.
Mick could tell he was standing close to the door. He took the shotgun out of his partner’s hand, pumped it, and blew the door in front of them into a million shards of wood. After the smoke cleared, they stepped over the ruins of the door and the ruins of the man who lay bleeding underneath, and they began their diligent search of the premises.
Pendale, Texas