Page 53 of Duty-Bound SEAL
Four Months Later
“Wes,please move out of the doorway. My feet are swollen to the size of a full-grown elephant, and I have to pee like a race horse.”
Wes did as the mother of his child asked.
When he did, a room full of people appeared and yelled, “Surprise!”
Maggie smiled at the room, but through gritted teeth she whispered to Wes, “I’m going to kill you and bury you in the backyard.”
Raven came over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Happy birthday, sweetie!” she said. Reaching into a bag she had on her arm, she took out a small box and handed it to her. Before Maggie could thank her, she pulled out another box, this one wrapped in sky-blue paper, and shouted, “And happy baby shower!”
“You know it’s a boy?” Maggie asked. She had only recently found out herself that she was carrying a little baby boy. Wes must have spilled the secret.
Raven nodded. “Wes told us you plan to name him Tanner.”
Maggie decided not to be mad. She was touched Wes had gone out of his way to plan this surprise for her, likely with Raven’s help. The other guests flocked around to wish her, “Happy birthday!” Maggie was happy to see everyone there, but at the same time, she really had to pee. After more people than she could handle felt her baby bump, she politely excused herself.
Halfway down the hall to the bathroom, Wes caught up with her. “Can I tell them?” he begged, like a small child.
“We will tell them together. After I pee,” she said. God, she loved her man. No matter how big of a pain in the ass he was.
When she got back to the living room, Naomi came over and said hello, and then she guided Maggie into the dining room and showed her two cakes. She’d hired Cheryl to make them. One was for her birthday and had balloons and streamers, and the other was for her baby boy, Tanner. It said, “Welcome to the World.”
“I love them, Naomi! Thank you.”
Naomi beamed. “You’re so welcome.”
“Is Cheryl here?”
“Raven said she’d be along in a while.”
Her new friend looked so happy. Maggie knew a lot of it had to do with Corbett. She felt pretty proud of herself for setting them up. Maybe she should go into the matchmaking business.
“Where is Corbett?” she asked.
“He’s out back telling Ridge and Jake all about the perils of the past few months. It’s been a whirlwind since Vincent Heston was locked up, especially after he ratted out Ayden, my client. I can’t say I’ve enjoyed the adventure of it all, but having Corbett by my side has definitely made it all easier. I wanted to thank you for that night at the barbecue.”
“All you two did was argue that night,” Maggie said. “Who would have known you would end up all gooey-eyed in love?”
“I know,” Naomi said. “Life takes some funny turns sometimes. But I think that night started it for me. After that, I wasn’t able to stop thinking about him. So thank you.”
Maggie gave her a hug, the best one she could with her growing belly. “You’re welcome, honey.”
Wes found her again, as eager as ever. “Can we tell them now?”
Maggie giggled. “Go gather ‘em up. Get the boys out of the backyard.”
Naomi had one eyebrow raised. “What’s that all about?”
“Follow me into the living room and you’ll see,” Maggie said, a secretive smile on her lips.
Once Wes had assembled everyone, he grabbed her hand and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen… and Flynn.” Everyone laughed. “I’d like to present to you all... my wife.”
“Oh, my God!” Raven screamed before coming over to hug them both. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Maggie was glad her friend wasn’t upset. “We were in town today for my appointment. I was lying on that table with goo all over my belly, and we were listening to our little man’s heartbeat, and Wes, ever the romantic, kneeled himself right down in that room and said, ‘I want my little man to come into this world with two parents who are not just together, but united. Will you marry me?’ Unable to wait, we went straight to the registry right after.”
Wes looked at her with endless affection. “Today is a wonderful day. Not only is it the day Maggie became my wife, but being her birthday, it’s also the day those above made the world perfect by putting her in it.”