Page 54 of The Promise of Home
Did that make him a delusional schmuck? Maybe. But for once in his well-ordered life he was willing to take a risk on something just for him.
‘Okay,’ he said with a shrug. ‘Though if you wanted me all to yourself for the weekend, you could’ve just asked.’
She beamed, her wide smile making him feel like he’d sun-baked on a hot summer’s day. ‘So we’ve got until Monday?’
‘Yeah, so you better make the most of it.’ He held his arms wide. ‘I’m all yours until then.’
Karly couldn’t keep the grin off her face the entire way back to Acacia Haven after the day she’d spent with Hudson.
He’d agreed to give her more time to make a decision on the agency, and while she felt a tad guilty for keeping her reason secret, the possibility she might get to save her pride and joy meant she quashed it quickly. She knew Pop would understand once she told him, but she couldn’t dismiss a niggle of worry. Pop had instilled honesty in her from childhood. So if he thought for one minute she was deliberately deceiving Hudson …
No, she was anxious about nothing. Pop loved her. Though he had said one of his main reasons for not selling to her in the first place had been because he didn’t want to see her saddled with a huge debt that would prevent her from exploring her options.
But having to take out a second mortgage on her home was a far cry from accepting a silent partner’s investment. She hadn’t been willing to take a risk on the bank but Rayne had been like a mother to her and she trusted her to ensure her partner Leo wouldn’t screw her over.
While owning the agency seemed daunting, it also meant she’d be tied to Acacia Haven for the next umpteen years. Pop had inadvertently given her what she’d secretly wished for: a way out, a chance to explore life beyond the town limits. But as long as Pop was living here, she would too. He’d given up his city life for her, the least she could do in his ageing years was stick around once he got over his wanderlust.
Though for a brief, infinitesimal moment last night, when she’d been lying in Hudson’s arms and he’d been talking about his plans to travel in the future, she’d found herself imagining what that would be like. Not travelling with him, per se, but having the financial freedom to make choices like that. If she bought the agency, who knew? She might make enough money to ultimately follow her dreams of a life beyond this town. She could install a manager and take time off to travel, or if things went really well she could open another branch in Melbourne and oversee that. Imagine having the capital to expand, to thrive, to dream big …
As she pulled into her driveway and killed the engine, she swivelled towards Hudson, who sported a wide grin. ‘What are you smiling at?’
‘You were humming an old ABBA tune.’
‘Was not.’
‘You were,’ he said. ‘“The Winner Takes It All.”’
Wow, looked like her subconscious was doing a victory dance before she’d even secured the funds to make the buyout possible.
‘The girls and I attend a themed disco in Inverloch every once in a while. Last time they played seventies remixes all night and that song’s been an ear worm for me ever since.’
‘Cute.’ He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her lips, making her pulse accelerate in an instant. ‘Dorky, but cute. Speaking of the girls, I have a hankering for one of Nev’s frittatas.’
‘Should I be jealous, considering I went to great trouble to make you breakfast this morning?’
‘I don’t think putting a muesli bar alongside my coffee can be considered breakfast.’ He grinned. ‘But don’t worry, your grandfather more than made up for it. He cooked a big fry-up, complete with continental sausages and the best streaky bacon I’ve ever tasted.’
‘Shame neither of you thought to invite me over.’
‘But you said you wanted to get ready for our day out and that you were packing a picnic lunch?’
His faux innocence made her laugh. He knew full well she’d planned on taking him to the boutique pub. ‘This is the thanks I get for thinking you’d rather have gourmet pub fare than a few sangers and cheese on crackers.’
‘I love it when you get feisty.’ He drew her close again and this time, when their mouths touched, their lips parted and the kiss went from tame to whoa in a second.
He had a way of kissing her—gentle one moment, commanding the next—that had her wanting to climb over the console and straddle him.
She’d been dithering over whether to ask him in or not, especially after spending last night together and all of today, but his low groan in the back of his throat as she rested her hand on his thigh pretty much settled it.
However, before she could invite him in, her mobile rang.
When she broke the kiss, he murmured, ‘Let it ring,’ before inching back to reclaim her mouth. She’d like nothing better but it could be an important call—namely Summer with news about her dad wanting to invest—so she pressed a finger to his lips.
‘I need to get this.’ A quick glance at the screen reiterated how much: Summer. ‘Can you give me a minute?’