Page 38 of Lost and Found
Russell paused and stepped away. “You need to take care of them.”
“But…,” Rafe was surprised.
“I’ll be waiting in the bedroom for you,” Russell said.
That was enough to spur Rafe into action. He called the dogs, filled their food and water bowls, and set them down before kicking off his shoes and heading down the hall.
He paused in the doorway of the bedroom, admiring the view. Russell was lying on the bed, arm resting over his eyes, beautifully naked, with all that perfectly golden skin against the white sheets. Rafe inhaled deeply, his throat going dry. He slowly stepped into the room, almost afraid to move in case this was a fantasy. He had spent the past week wishing Russell was here, and now he was back, in his bed. And fucking hell, Russell had actually told him that he loved him. That alone blew him away. Rafe had never been luckier than he was at this moment.
Slowly, he moved forward, meeting Russell’s gaze as he unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off. Then his socks followed, and finally his pants. His cock sprung free the moment his jeans slid off his hips. He closed the distance between them, then leaned over the bed and kissed Russell as he climbed onto the mattress. Russell wound his arms around his neck, pulling him closer. “Now what are we going to do?” Rafe whispered.
Russell chuckled. “If you don’t know, I’d say we’re in trouble.”
He smiled. “I mean… this is different. This isn’t just sex. It’s something more, and what if…?”
Russell rolled his eyes. “Sweetheart, in case you haven’t noticed, it was always something more between us. Because if what we’ve been doing was just sex… then God help us when we’re making love. We both might die of heart attacks.” He waggled his eyebrows and laughed until he snorted, then covered his mouth. “This has to be the least romantic conversation in the history of sex.”
“I don’t know about that,” Rafe said. He sucked lightly at the base of Russell’s neck, loving the way he tasted and the sounds he made. There was no doubt about how excited Russell was—his passion and pleasure came out in the sounds he made. That alone was sexy. And when they came from a man as gorgeous as Russell, it was nearly overwhelming. And yet Rafe did his best to control himself. He wanted to make this last.
“Oh yeah,” Russell moaned.
“You know, I think words are overrated at a time like this.” Rafe kissed Russell hard, sliding his hand over his smooth chest and belly, his fingers slipping through the nest of curls until they wrapped around Russell’s thick cock, which elicited a whine of pleasure from Russell that grew louder with each and every movement. “That’s more like it.”
“But you’re talking,” Russell protested.
Rafe smiled. “Don’t worry—I intend to have you almost incoherent in a few minutes.” He kissed him again before proceeding to reduce Russell to groans and openmouthed cries that the air seemed to swallow up.
Neither one of them said anything. There was no need. Rafe reveled in every part of this moment, seeing Russell in the throes of complete passion. No words, just shaking limbs, pebbled nipples, skin seemingly on fire, and eyes as wide as saucers. This,thiswas what he wanted. And when Russell gripped the bedding, wrapping his legs around Rafe’s waist as he slid his wrapped cock deep inside him, all Rafe could do was hang on for one hell of a ride. Rafe let Russell take charge for as long as he was able. Then, when Rafe took over, Russell rocked against him, each and every movement countered at the exact right time to send Rafe closer to the edge.
He was determined to hold out for Russell, wrapping his fingers around his length, stroking in time to their movements until Russell’s breathing grew shallow and urgent. Then he doubled his speed, and Russell filled the room with his cries of passion as both of them careened over the precipice, flying together for precious seconds, holding one another as they soared in their release, before slowly returning to lie in each other’s arms.
“Don’t you have Thanksgiving dinner to go home to or something?” Rafe asked. It had been quite some time since he’d actually celebrated any holiday, and certainly not in the way he and Russell just had.
Russell checked the time and climbed out of the bed. “Violet will have dinner ready in a few hours.” He slipped on his pants and tossed Rafe’s clothes toward him. “Come on. We should make sure everything is secured, then head over for dinner.”
Rafe shook his head. “I don’t want to intrude….”
Russell laughed hard. “We’re having a cowboy Thanksgiving. Dad invites all the single hands, as well as his cronies. They show up and Violet puts out a spread of epic proportions, and then everyone sits around Dad’s big-screen television eating and watching football for most of the day. The holiday was different when Mom was alive, but Dad started this tradition after she passed. I think it’s easier for him to get through the day if he spends it doing completely different things than what he and Mom used to do.” Russell leaned over the bed. “So come and join us. We can watch a little football, drink some beer, and eat all we want.”
Rafe nodded, trying not to think too much about the implications of going home with Russell for the holiday.
“Think of it this way. It may not be the kind of Thanksgiving you grew up with, but it will be fun. Uncle Mack used to come by too, the last few years. He was part of our family, and now, you are too.” Russell’s eyes shone as he kissed Rafe gently.
Rafe was more than a little overwhelmed as he got out of bed and went to his dresser. “If I’m having Thanksgiving dinner with your dad and his friends, I’m not going to look like a schlub.” He found fresh clothes and pulled out his good boots. Maybe this was what he needed—a chance to put the family he was born into out of his mind. Tonight, he’d be celebrating Thanksgiving with the family he was hoping to join.
“WHAT THEhell is that?” Russell asked later that night, jumping out of Rafe’s bed. They’d nearly eaten themselves into a food coma and yelled at the television for hours before returning to Rafe’s place for the night.
The dogs were barking like crazy. Rafe got out of bed, pulled on his pants, and headed to the living room. He peered out the window as the dogs propped their paws on the sill, still growling. “Do you see anything?” Rafe called out to Russell, who was already dressed and pulling on his coat. As he headed to the door, Rafe called out, “Don’t go out there.”
Rafe hurried back to the bedroom and threw on the rest of his clothes on and then his outdoor gear before joining Russell at the front door. “I can’t see anything, but the dogs definitely hear something.” They pranced around the room, growling and then jumping to look out the window.
Rafe kept the dogs inside as Russell went out. He followed, making sure the dogs stayed in the house. Then Rafe heard a sharp whinny. “The horses!” he yelled as he ran across the yard. He slipped into the barn, where the horses were lunging in their stalls.
“It’s okay. Everything is fine,” he crooned, trying to calm them. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the flicker of a flame in one corner of the barn. “Shit.” As he watched, the flames grew, and before he knew it, fire was licking at the corner of the building. He turned, hearing the back barn door bang closed. Rafe raced to the corner of the barn, connected the hose, and doused the flames before they could really take hold.
“Someone was running toward the road,” Russell said. “Shit.” He grabbed the fire extinguisher from inside the tack room and sprayed the area. He finally put out the fire. “That was close. What the hell happened?”
“I’m not sure. I think I may have startled someone. Whoever it was seemed intent on starting a fire, but I think I scared him off.” Rafe pulled air into his lungs. “Can you calm the horses while I try to clean up this mess?” He made sure the walls and floor were good and wet before turning off the hose. Then he grabbed a shovel and a wheelbarrow, scooped up the bedding, and got it outside. The barn walls, though old, had only been scorched.