Page 12 of Coach's Fumble
Chrissie didn’t know what reasonable explanation he could come up with. At least she wouldn’t be doing it. She touched his thigh.
“Thanks, Forrest. You’re a standup guy.”
Forrest grunted, staring at her hand on his leg. Then he shifted back and stared out of the window. The silence was a little uncomfortable, but Chrissie didn’t want to move her hand away. She left it where she was, her pulse beating hard in her throat. She found touching Forrest a bit like an addiction for her. Once she started, she couldn’t stop.
Not a good idea, especially when Forrest did choose to keep his distance from her. Especially recently. It was like he needed to keep away. Their conversations weren’t the fun, easygoing talks they used to be. They were mostly stilted, Forrest being more professional than Chrissie was used to. She missed those conversations.
She wished he would talk to her like her used to. Make her laugh and feel like she was the only one in the room. Most of all, Chrissie wanted him to touch her like he would another woman.
How he was single at his age, she had no idea. He was her ideal guy. If only she could get him to look at her like that.
Maybe this is an opportunity. Maybe this will be what you need to get even just a little affection out of him.
How am I supposed to do that? Forrest will push me away if I try.
You felt his arousal earlier, didn’t you? He wants you. Just kiss him and tell him you want him. He can’t resist that.
Chrissie was sure that he could. And it could go drastically wrong. She might lose her job, or Forrest would end up leaving so they didn’t have to interact.
She was willing to take the risk. Even if it was just a kiss.
She would happily take that.
They carried on the ride in silence, until they were in the suburbs and pulling up outside a house at the end of a closed-off road. Chrissie couldn’t see much in the dark, but the house looked pretty big. Forrest got out first, leaning back in with his hand out.
“Come on. Let’s get inside.”
Chrissie didn’t hesitate as she took his hand and allowed him to help her out. She had to stop herself from leaning against him, although she didn’t need to so she could breathe in the delicious smell from his cologne. Forrest always knew how to smell good. Chrissie couldn’t begin to count how many times her mouth watered whenever he went past and she inhaled his scent.
Now she was going to be in his house, where it was everywhere? Oh, my.
Forrest opened the front door and let her in. Chrissie wandering into the living room. The decor was not what she expected. It was masculine, but it was tasteful. Quite simple, in fact. Apart from a few pictures on the wall, there wasn’t much to show that this house had his stamp.
Chrissie moved towards the pictures, taking in the one of Forrest with his two daughters. There was another one with a young man who looked so much like Forrest it was scary. His son Mark.
“How are Mark, Larissa and Deanne?” She turned to Forrest as he appeared in the doorway. “Are they enjoying college life?”
“Yep. Larissa’s currently traveling around Australia, and Mark and Deanne are doing summer jobs near their universities.”
“You’re not going to see them this summer?”
“They’re coming down at the end of the month for my birthday.” Forrest shrugged. “They’re nineteen. They don’t need to be around me all the time.”
“I guess not.” Chrissie paused. “How are they coping with my sister’s death? Deanne was meant to be with them when they went to look at colleges.”
Forrest sighed, rubbing his hands over his face.
“I don’t know. They don’t talk about it, Deanne especially. I’m not going to push them. And thinking that she could have been in the car as well…”
Chrissie now felt bad for mentioning it. Forrest’s triplets had been her sister Helen’s friends. They had been practically inseparable. Then Helen was killed, and it was like things had fractured. Chrissie put her purse on the couch.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”
“It’s fine. We were lucky, but the shock is still there.” Forrest winced. “Although your family lost their luck completely. I can’t begin to imagine how you and Jared felt after that.”
Chrissie felt her throat tightening. God, she didn’t want to think about her mom and sister now. Not when she was finally in Forrest’s home. She took a deep breath.
“I wish Mom was here. She would know how to deal with Drake.”