Page 3 of Coach's Fumble
“Honestly, Chrissie, you might as well sign up to become a nun, at this rate. I think we really need to find you a hot guy to go home with, even if it’s just for one night.”
“Don’t you dare!”
“Why not?”
Chrissie frowned.
“Do you remember the last time you set me up with someone? He tried to force himself on me. I had to call the cops on him!”
“And we’ve apologized for that. But not all of the guys are like him, I promise.”
“I know that, but you let me do it in my own time. If I force it, it’s just going to end in tears.”
Rita looked like she wanted to say more about it, but she just shrugged, turning their car onto the freeway.
“Okay, fine. I’ll be good and not push you onto any guy tonight. But if someone wants to be introduced to you, I’m not going to stop him.”
“I can handle it if that happens.”
There was also another reason why Chrissie hadn’t tried looking for another to share her first time with. Every time she was around a guy, she found herself comparing them to the one person she had desired for years but she could never have. In her mind, he was just what she was looking for.
It was a shame that he was her dad’s best friend and wouldn’t look at her like she wanted him to.
* * *
Forrest took a slurp of his beer and heaved a sigh of relief. That did taste good. He couldn’t wait to get drunk and let loose. It had been a while since any of them had been able to do that.
“Damn, that’s good.” Daniel Radley let out a sigh and sat back. “I don’t think I’ve tasted anything that good in a while.”
“Only because we’ve been having water and soda recently,” Forrest pointed out. “The boss doesn’t want us drunk on the pitch.”
“I’m just glad we don’t have to take drugs tests like the players.”
Forrest couldn’t agree more. He didn’t often drink, but he did like a beer every now and then to unwind. But the new manager of the New England Patriots wanted everyone to abstain from alcohol until they weren’t in the season. It often had those who liked to drink quite a bit climbing the walls, but everyone did knuckle down.
It was probably going to be one of his last nights before he had to abstain himself. Forrest planned to make the most of it.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“You looked a bit faraway for a moment.” Daniel tapped the side of his head. “What’s going on in there?”
“Oh.” Forrest rubbed a hand over his face. “I guess I’m really tired. I’m probably not going to last beyond a couple of beers before I crash.”
“Then we’d better make sure you get some drink into you before you keel over.”
Forrest could believe that. The attacking coach was the same on and off the pitch when it came to doing something; he threw himself completely into it. It could get a little scary, but his coaching style paid off in the end. The players worked well with it. Forrest just didn’t want to be turned into one of those who had to drop and give twenty whenever Daniel told him to.
“Just a few drinks, and then I’m going home, Daniel. That’s it.”
Daniel snorted.
“You really are getting old if you’re backing out after a bit, Forrest.”
“I’m forty-five. If that classes me as old, then fine.”
“Forty-five, and you’re probably fitter than any of the kids out on the pitch. You could run rings around them and still not be out of breath.”