Page 15 of Eyes of the Grave
Jackson jerked away from me. His jaw dropped, revealing that his fangs had retracted, but his round eyes were still yellow. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think… I didn’t mean to—”
I shook my head. “It’s okay. I know.”
Shado cleared her throat, the light still shining around her fingers. “Is it safe to approach?”
Jackson blinked up at her like he’d forgotten she was there. His posture relaxed and he sat full on the floor, looking exhausted. “It’s safe. I’m sorry.”
“It’s all right,” she said. “You’re not the first werewolf to growl at me. I was more concerned by whatshesaid.”
Fear sparked in my chest, and every muscle in my body tensed. “I…I…”
“Woah, that’s new.” Shado frowned down at me.
“What?” Jackson asked, offering me his hand.
“Her aura is flickering between red and black. Rebekah, what did you see?” She waved her hand over me and the light around her fingers turned from white to a muddy shade of red.
The words lodged in my throat like rocks. “I…I killed her.”
“What?” Jackson asked. “Here, stand up.”
He brandished his hand again, but I couldn’t take it. I couldn’t move. What I’d witnessed in Nadia’s head was stuck on repeat. My face. My hand driving the dagger into her neck. I’d killed her, and now here she was covered in archaic magic. Her hair had turned white just like Viktor’s hair. She was dead and it was my fault. Was he my fault too?
I looked up at Shado. “I think I killed him too.”
“Who?” she frowned.
“Rebekah, take a deep breath, please. I can smell the adrenaline in your blood,” Jackson said, taking his place at my side again. “Just tell us what you saw.”
“Nadia was in the cemetery, and then this shadow appeared. It was me. Nadia was trying to warn me that I was in danger, and then I killed her. I told her she’d messed with things she shouldn’t have, and I stabbed her in the neck. But I don't remember doing it. I remember hopping the wall and finding her body. I don’t remember killing her. Jack, what did I do? What did Ido?” Tears started pouring from my eyes.
He swallowed visibly. “I don’t know. But we’ll figure it out. What’s the last thing you remember before you got Nadia’s call?”
“Look at her hair. Viktor’s hair was exactly the same,” I said, wiping the tears away.
“Stop,” he snapped. “You’re not a killer. You didn’t do this. The vision was wrong.”
“And you couldn’t have killed Viktor. You were at school when he died,” Shado said.
I shook my head. “My vision changes with the living. I’ve never been wrong with the dead. I saw it. I killed her.”
“What do you remember, Rebekah? What were you doing before you went to the cemetery?” Jackson pressed, his jaw setting at a sharp angle.
“You saw my refrigerator. What do you think I was doing?” I sighed, wiping the tears from my cheeks. When Nadia called, I’d been in the process of drinking myself to sleep. Silencing my nightmares with booze like I always did when I didn’t have a job to keep me busy.
Shado pursed her lips. “I don’t think it was you.”
“I wish you were right, but I saw it!”
“There are about a thousand illusion spells that any witch could use to replicate your face. A shapeshifter could easily have—”
“It didn’t feel like an illusion,” I said. “It felt like me.”
Shado scoffed. “Okay, sure. But unless you’re some kind of secret serial killer, why would you have killed Nadia? Why kill Viktor?”
“I had plenty of reasons to kill Viktor, you know that,” I snapped. “If I’m a murderer, he made me that way.”
Shado gave Jackson a pleading look. “Please tell me you know she didn’t do this.”