Page 126 of Twisted Tyrant
“They didn’t know the man he really was. None of you did. But they will be fine.” She takes my hands in hers. “We all will be fine.”
A lump wedges in the back of my throat. “Yes, because we have each other.”
“We always will, my darling.” Mom smiles, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on my forehead. “I will always do everything in my power to keep you safe.”
“Well,” I say, a small smile lifting my lips. “I think someone else might be taking over that job.”
“The man who is marrying you?” she asks with a quirk of her eyebrow.
“No. It’s a long story but he’s dead. I’m talking about the one who kidnapped me. I’m in love with him. I know the circumstances are crazy and insane, but somehow, it happened. To both of us.”
“Natasha,” Mom says. “You’re so young. How do you really know it’s love and not just the result of high-octane emotion? Heaven knows, you were put through a very traumatic situation. It can’t be real, sweetie.”
“But it is. I do love him. And I want to be with him forever. He saved my life, Mom. He makes me feel things I never thought I could feel. I want to be his wife.”
“You can’t do this. What about school? Your music career? You have so many plans for yourself. I can’t let you throw them all away because you think you love this man.”
“I don’t think, Mom. I know.”
“I thought I knew, too,” she says, a defeated sigh slipping from her lips.
“I know you think I’m moving too fast, but I promise you, I’m not. And Luka isn’t Dad. He’s a good man who puts his family above everything else.”
She stares at me for a long minute. “I can’t condone you marrying him…not until you at least finish school. Get your degree. At least give me that.”
I smile, the numbness over my father’s death giving way to pure elation when I envision myself walking down the aisle to meet Luka. “I can do that.” I jump off the couch and run to the front door. I wave my hand in the air until Luka sees and gets out of the car.
His eyebrows knit when he reaches the front door. “Everything okay?”
“It will be,” I whisper, giving him a quick kiss. “Come inside.”
I lace my fingers with Luka’s and lead him into the living room. Mom stands up, a curious flicker in her gaze when she regards Luka.
“I’m not sure if I should thank you or berate you,” she finally says, her lips lifting slightly. “But judging by the way my daughter is staring at you, and what you’ve done for our family, I think the former would be more appropriate.”
Luka reaches out to shake her hand as I marvel at how unbelievable the whole situation actually is. If I hadn’t lived it, I’d never have believed any of it was remotely possible.
“Natasha says she loves you,” Mom starts. “And while that may be true, I think you need time to see where this can go. If, after she graduates, you both decide that marriage is what you truly want, then you will have my blessing.”
“I want to marry Natasha,” Luka says. “If waiting will make you feel better about it, then we’ll wait. It won’t change my mind.”
“Thank you for respecting my wishes and for protecting my daughter.”
Footsteps scurry down the stairs, and I whirl around to see my sisters’ shocked faces.
“Natasha!” Elizabeth screams, capturing me in a big bear hug while Anna dances around me in circles.
I catch my mother’s eye and she gives her head a quick shake, placing a finger over her lips. “Later,” she mouths to me.
I nod. They’re so excited right now. To turn their worlds upside down again would be too gut-wrenching. The truth about my father can wait.
“We were so worried about you,” Anna says. She joins in the hug, hip-checking Elizabeth to get in closer. Then she gasps and jumps back, twisting around to face Luka. She slowly walks toward him and jabs him with her finger once she gets close. “Wait. You’re the man who took her that night. Why are you here? If you think you’re getting another one of us, then you’re—”
“Anna,” I say. “He’s not here to hurt anyone. He brought me here today.”
“Why would he do that? And why now? It’s been weeks,” Elizabeth says, her brows furrowed. She fixes a glare on Luka. “Do you want money?”
He shakes his head. “No. I want to be your sister’s…uh…boyfriend.”