Page 17 of Twisted Tyrant
My eyes fall on the butcher block on my counter in the wake of Dima’s last directive. A rush of fury bubbles in my chest. So many sharp, stainless steel blades. So many fucking possibilities.
How ironic is it that the person I hate most in my life is the one who looks exactly like me? But looks are where our similarities end, and thank God for that, because if I was a sniveling, controlling, self-absorbed prick who had to tear others down to elevate myself, I’d put the barrel of my gun into my mouth and pull the trigger myself.
Babysit, my ass. I can’t have Natasha here for a second longer. I couldn’t control myself for five minutes before I buried my fingers in her tight pussy. What the hell am I supposed to do for the next few days while she taunts me with that body and mouth?
Dima flashes a nasty smile at me. “Consider this part of your penance, Luka.”
“Penance, my ass.”
A low growl rumbles behind me, courtesy of the big-ass pork bone I just quietly slipped out of a drawer for my dog. The color all but fades from Dima’s face when I casually toss it at him. It lands right against his stuck-up asshole brand shoes and Nikita, my pit bull, races for it.
Except he doesn’t stop at the bone. He leaps at Dima, feeding off the fear and distaste emanating from my brother.
Nikita is a rescue. He has serious trust issues and is fiercely loyal to me, his owner. And it doesn’t matter that Dima is my mirror image. Nikita senses the scumbag scent wafting off of him and attacks. Always. Sharp, menacing barks echo in the foyer and Dima yelps, jumping backward. He’s not fast enough, though. Nikita has already sunk his teeth into my brother’s pant leg. He tugs and pulls at the fabric, tearing the seams open when my brother tries to shove him away with his foot.
“Goddammit, Luka, make him stop!”
“The fuck I will. Watching you cower like a little bitch is my entertainment for tonight.”
“Not the shoes!” Dima yells, kicking Nikita away from his leather-clad feet. “Get him the fuck off of me or I’ll shoot him in the fucking head!”
I snicker, clapping my hands. “Nikita, down.”
“Get him out of here,” Dima snaps.
Nikita growls again, glowering at Dima.
“I guess this is your cue to get the hell out of my house. Because he hasn’t eaten dinner and it looks like you might be the top choice on his menu.”
“Three days. You fuck this up and you’re out, Luka.” Dima turns, not even bothering to look at Natasha once more before twisting the doorknob.
Like I give a shit about his threats. He doesn’t know I’m already out and counting the days before I can turn my back on this life forever.
I glare at his back as he storms out my front door, wishing like hell my gaze could incinerate his insides and make him implode — implode, not explode, because I hate a big mess, and that’s exactly what Dima is.
I walk over to Nikita and drop to my knees. “Good boy. High five?”
Nikita lifts his paw and I give it a little tap.
“Jesus Christ.” Natasha shakes her head. “You people have serious issues, do you know that?”
I straighten up and walk toward her. “Who the fuck doesn’t?” I hover over her and she backs up against the wall behind her.
That’s right. There’s nowhere for you to run, Natasha. Nowhere for you to hide.
I reach under her top and slide my hand up her flat abdomen and over her tits. My cock twitches and jerks, already hard at the thought of sinking into her heat. Her skin is so soft and smooth under the pads of my fingertips. Her heart races, thumping against my palm as I knead her full breasts. They strain against the fabric of her shirt, her nipples taut and hard under the thin material.
The corners of my lips curl upward. “Don’t tell me you’re not turned on by this.”
She slaps my hand away. “You’re a dirty, low-life thug. Nothing about this turns me on.”
“Liar,” I whisper, dipping my head lower and practically grazing her lips with mine. Her mouth parts and her eyes flutter closed. Oh yeah. She wants it. That’s when I pull away and walk back into the kitchen with Nikita on my heels.
“Everything about it turns you on,” I say to her over my shoulder.
She huffs. “Whatever. I’m still not staying. You can’t keep me as a prisoner.”