Page 19 of Twisted Tyrant
Was it worth it, Ivan? Was the money worth it?
The only thing I regret was not letting Natasha’s father know my true identity when I took her out of his house. Then again, nothing about that plan had been my own. I’d wanted to bask in the satisfaction of cutting that bastard off at the knees and destroying his reputation.
Done and done.
The agreement was that I execute my part of the revenge plot on behalf of my family before I walk away from them all for good. That’s the deal my father and I made before I invaded the Resnov home. I am not living a life where Dima has any say over who and what I do, and I have plenty of clients who are ready to offer me big-time money to use my special set of lethal skills far the fuck away from Miami. It starts with me pulling my own disappearing act.
My eyes flicker toward Natasha. She’s still stroking Nikita, murmuring something softly to him.
“I don’t want to marry Dima in three days.”
“You’re not. It’s going to be announced in three days.”
“What about all the wedding talk?”
“My youngest sister Valentina is getting married. Dima’s gonna parade you around as his fiancée when all of our associates are close enough to see the big fat rock on your finger.” A snide chuckle slips from my lips. “And spoiler alert, it’s the only big and fat thing you’ll ever have anywhere near your body.”
“Dima didn’t want me to know that or else he would have said something.” Natasha jumps up from the floor. “But you don’t care about what he wants.”
“Because I don’t give a fuck about anything he cares about.”
“Why is that? Why so much anger?” She lifts her tired but curious gaze up toward me.
Blood turns to ice in my veins. I’ve already let her see too much. She can’t know the truth...about why I’m the one who brought her here.
Hate her, hate her, hate her!
I need to hate her. I want to hate her so badly, for so many reasons. But after months of watching and waiting...every day, obsessing more and more about how it would feel to touch her, taste her, fuck her…
I despise my brother for everything he is and everything he’s gotten. I detest him even more for everything that will be his.
“It’s none of your business.”
She nods, scrubbing a hand down the front of her drawn face. “Okay, then, asshole. I want to go to bed.”
A shudder ripples through me at the sudden and inconvenient image of her lithe body in those skimpy pajamas. Her soft, sensual moans ring between my ears, proof of the carnal fantasies that looped through her sleep-induced brain while I watched her in her bedroom earlier.
Where the fuck am I going to put her? This plan didn’t involve me babysitting her for one night, much less three days. Then the light bulb goes on. Safe room. She’ll be trapped and that will keep her safe…from me.
I lead her to the space at the back of my house and flip on the light, the only source of illumination since there are no windows in the safe room — just a bed, a desk, a couch, and a fifty-inch plasma screen.
She turns a questioning gaze at me. “No windows?”
I shrug. “No chance of a bullet hitting you from the outside.”
“I’d say my bigger concern is one hitting me from the inside.” She pushes past me and kicks off her flip-flops.
“If you need anything, just press that button.” I point to an intercom. “I’ll be able to hear you.”
“I wouldn’t call for your help if I was bleeding out of my eyes and you were the only doctor on the planet.”
That smart-ass mouth. Christ, the urge to fuck it with my dick consumes me to the point where I need to leave, or else I might just channel my inner pirate and plunder her right then and there.
That would really fuck with Dima.
“Come on, Nikita.”
But Nikita stays put, right at Natasha’s feet. She flashes a triumphant smile at me and flips me off. My throat tightens and I take one last look at her forlorn expression before pulling the door closed behind me and locking it with my thumbprint.
I let her bask in the satisfaction that my dog picked her over me.
She needed a win.
I linger outside the door for a second, wondering if she knows it’s the last time she’ll ever score one.