Page 48 of Twisted Tyrant
I lean forward, balancing on one foot so I can get closer to the voices. I move slowly, barely breathing. I block out all other sounds, focused only on their exchange. So when someone taps me on the shoulder, I lose my balance and stumble into the wall. A squeal escapes my lips. The sharp sound immediately foils my plan to eavesdrop undetected.
A tall, muscular guy who looks a lot like Luka flashes a mischievous grin at me. He folds his arms over his broad chest. “I’m Nikolai, Luka’s brother. I’d ask who you are, but I’m gonna go out on a limb and take a guess that you’re my future sister-in-law.”
I bristle at those words. “Nobody proposed to me, so as far as I’m concerned, I’m just Natasha.”
“Well, ‘just Natasha,’ that’s something you can take up with your alleged betrothed when we bring you to him later today.”
I furrow my brow. “What do you mean, bring me to him? I’m not going anywhere. I was supposed to stay here with Luka until the wedding—”
“I guess plans changed.” Nikolai shrugs. He walks past me and heads for the living room. “Hey, Luka, you didn’t tell sis here the new plan?”
At that moment, Nikita barks and runs over to my now-exposed hiding spot. He paws at my leg and slurps my skin like it’s a side of beef. I lower myself to my knees and give him belly scratches. A sigh of defeat slumps my shoulders. I have no choice but to meet my fate. Then I’ll figure out a way to change it.
A minute later, I drag myself to my feet and slowly walk into the living room to join everyone else. Impending dread clouds every step of my path. Even having Nikita trot along next to me doesn’t give me a single shred of calm. And Luka’s irate expression tells me Dima’s plan has definitely changed.
“I got a call from Dima this morning.” He tears his hardened gaze away from mine. “He wants you there today.”
I stick my hands on my hips. “I don’t give a damn what he wants. I’m not his property and I’m not leaving.”
“He’ll just come and get you himself,” Nikolai says.
I turn a glare at Nikolai and slam my clenched fists against my legs. “No, he won’t. He didn’t even make the effort to kidnap me, for Christ’s sake. He’s probably got a laundry list of peons who do his work for him. And they can all go and fuck themselves.”
“Ouch.” Nikolai clutches a hand to his chest. “I think she meant you, Luka.”
My eyes pop open wide. Shit.
“No, I didn’t mean...I just meant Dima strikes me as the kind of guy who lets everyone else risk their necks. He doesn’t seem like the guy who risks his.”
“Sounds like backpedaling to me,” Nikolai chuckles.
I silently plead with Luka to look at me, and when he finally does, my heart sinks into my gut. I obviously struck a very sore nerve with my last comments.
“Nik, take a walk with me.” He brushes past without another word, and I can’t unsee the dejected look in his pained gaze. Nikita must sense the defeat, too, because he follows Luka out of the room instead of staying with me.
“Dammit,” I mutter, pressing a hand to my forehead. “That didn’t come out right at all.”
“You’re entitled to say what you want. I mean, the circumstances warrant a hell of a lot of anger, and my brother knows that.” The girl…Val…flashes a sympathetic smile and stands up from the couch. She’s petite, unlike her brothers, with long auburn hair, crystal blue eyes, and sun-kissed skin. “We haven’t officially met because I’m not the creepy stalker my brother Nik is. I’m Valentina.”
“Congratulations on the wedding.” I don’t even bother to mask the bitterness that drips from my tongue. “I’m really not looking forward to it, no offense.”
“You’re not the only one.”
“I overheard you and Luka talking. I’m sorry that you have to deal with family crap right before what’s supposed to be the happiest day of your life.” I roll my eyes. “At least, that’s what I’ve heard it’s supposed to be. I guess that’s reserved for the lucky ones, and I don’t qualify.”
“Eh. Happiness is relative. Sometimes you need to go through the motions to find the real treasure you’ve been waiting for your whole life.”
Interesting. Those definitely don’t sound like the words of a blushing bride.
Valentina smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “I’m sorry about what you’re going through. I mean, I love my family and all, but this is Dark Ages bullshit. Kidnapping someone as a show of strength, forcing a marriage to solidify ties. I always support my family, but they’re seriously fucked up.”
“I thought you weren’t supposed to let people outside the family ever know what you’re thinking.”
“Oh, boo, did I just violate the golden rule of mafia families?” Val snickers.
“That’s what Luka told me.” My eyes instinctively search for him. When they come up empty, a sinkhole forms in my heart, and Nik’s words reverberate in my mind.
I’m leaving here…leaving Luka. Forever.